
Reflexology applied to children with behavioral difficulties

I said I would explore some of the newer research. This is a really interesting research study. Gives hope to parents.
Reflexology was applied to children with emotional and behavioral difficulties. The goal was to "calming down the children and young people so that their behaviour becomes less challenging within the classroom and generally, making the mainstream more accessible. The children and young people’s difficulties can vary from bereavement to neglect, sexual, emotional, mental and physical abuse as well as exposure to drugs and alcohol. Some have witnessed and experienced horrific events within their country of origin and are separated from family members." Changing aggressive and anti-social behavior is a key to mainstreaming the children, returning them to a traditional classroom.
"The results from evaluation to date show a reduction in aggression, stress and anxiety and an improvement in focus, concentration, self esteem, listening skills and confidence."
BUD, Therapies for Life, Accessible complementary therapies for vulnerable children and adults to improve quality of life.


Food Partiality

Normally people should take a variety of food in proper proportions in order to ensure a balanced nutrition. Protracted food partiality leads to insufficient intake of certain substances and excessive intake of other substances which will cause imbalance of visceral qi, blood, yin and yang.

There are two different cases in food partiality, partiality to cold or hot food and partiality to the five flavors.1e23e7dc207ed996593c8e26e94b7768

Partiality to Cold or Hot Food
Food is either cold and cool or warm and hot in property. It can be cooked or uncooked. Partiality to cold and cool food or excessive intake of uncooked and cold food will impair yang-qi in the spleen and the stomach, leading to endogenous cold-dampness and causing abdominal pain and diarrhea. Partiality to warm and dry food or excessive intake of hot food accumulates heat in the stomach and the intestines, leading to thirst, abdominal fullness, distension and pain, constipation or hemorrhoids, etc.

Partiality to Flavors
The five flavors are attributed to the five zang-organs respectively:the sour flavor enters the liver, the bitter flavor enters the heart, the sweet flavor enters the spleen, the acrid flavor enters the lung and the salty flavor enters the kidney. If the five flavors are not evenly contained in the food, the relationships among the five zang-organs will be broken. For example, partiality to the sour flavor strengthens liver-qi and weakens spleen-qi because predominant liver-qi will over restrict spleen-qi. Partiality to salty flavor consolidates kidney-qi and inhibits heart-qi because water restricts fire, leading to stagnation of the vessels. 

Partiality to the sweet flavor invigorates spleen-qi and restricts kidney-qi, making it difficult for the essence to produce marrow and transform blood, resuiting in osteodynia, loss of hair and early senility. Partiality to bitter flavor makes heart-qi hyperactive and lung-qi hypoactive, leading to retention of food nutrients in the middle energizer and malnutrition of the skin and hair. Partiality to the acrid flavor makes lung-qi hyperactive and liver-qi hypoactive, leading to spasm or flaccidity of the tendons and vessels due to failure of the blood to nourish the tendons.


Sea cucumber is regarded to be beneficial for kidneys

Sea cucumber is a type of seafood. In China, it is considered a delicacy and is often eaten at important family celebrations or for older weakened people, as it is very expensive. In Chinese diet therapy culture sea cucumber is regarded to be especially beneficial for the kidneys as it nourishes them. Kidney health is known as the basis of human life and well being.
sea cucumber is regarded to be beneficial for kidneys
1. Why are kidneys important (what is kidney deficiency?)
Kidneys store the original essence, or Qi, from our parents. This Qi, or essence, can have a strong impact on our whole life. Kidneys dominate growth and reproduction and are the origin of energy of all other organs. If kidney Qi (or functioning) is impaired, it may cause the following symptoms, such as lack of energy, decreased libido, impotence, menopause lower back and knee pain, frequent urination day and night, poor memory, early onset of dementia and ankle puffiness may occur. Women can experience irregular periods, early menopause, infertility and frequent miscarriage.  They may also find the development of ovaries or uterus affected and this may decrease both the size and function of these organs. Men may experience impotence, reduced sperm quality and affects infertility.
2. Health effects of sea cucumber
1) Strengthens the kidneys and improves sexual function
Sea cucumbers have warming characteristics and taste a little salty and work primarily on the kidney channels. The ancient Chinese medicine book "Ben Cao Cong Xin" states that they strengthen kidney essence, yang and improves sexual function. If you have the symptoms associated with kidney deficiency such as lowered libido and impotence you can eat sea cucumber regularly.
2) Balance period, prevent miscarriage and maintain early stage pregnancy
A traditional diet therapy book "Sui Xi Ju Yin Shi Pu" advises that sea cucumbers can balance periods, reduce the occurrence of miscarriages and are good for reducing tiredness and lower back pain during the earlier stages of pregnancy.


Herbal Tea for Graves' Disease, Colic, Hysteria, Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon balm, or "Melissa officinalis," is an herb belonging to the mint family that’s been used for centuries to treat anxiety, sleep disorders, indigestion and wounds. You can make lemon balm tea by steeping 1/4 to 1 tsp. of dried herb in hot water. You can drink the tea up to four times daily. You can also make topical applications of the tea for treating certain skin problems by steeping 2 to 4 tsp. of crushed lemon balm leaves in one cup of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, apply the t
ea to your skin using cotton balls.
Lemon balm is used for digestive problems, including upset stomach, bloating, intestinal gas (flatulence), vomiting, and colic; for pain, including menstrual cramps, Headache, and toothache; and for mental disorders, including hysteria and melancholia.
Many people believe lemon balm has calming effects so they take it for anxiety, sleep problems, and restlessness. Lemon balm is also used for Alzheimer's disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), an autoimmune disease involving the thyroid (Graves' disease), swollen airways, rapid heartbeat due to nervousness, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), sores, tumors, and insect bites.
Lemon balm is inhaled as aromatherapy for Alzheimer's disease.
Some people apply lemon balm to their skin to treat cold sores (herpes labialis).
In foods and beverages, the extract and oil of lemon balm are used for flavoring.
How does it work?
Lemon balm contains chemicals that seem to have a sedative, calming effect. It might also reduce the growth of some viruses.


How can Chinese herbal remedies help fertility

If you and your partner are have difficulty conceiving, than you may be interested in looking into possible fertility treatments. There are a number of fertility treatments, including IUI and IVF that are highly effective when it comes to increasing your chances of conception. However, these treatments are very expensive and are often associated with a number of physical and emotional side effects. For this reason, more and more couples are turning to herbal remedies to help improve their fertility. Herbal remedies can work wonders for both male and female infertility, and appear to help improve your chances of conception considerably.
What are Herbal Remedies?
An herbal remedy is a type of alternative medicine that originates from plants and plant extracts. Used to heal illnesses and disease and to address psychological concerns, herbal remedies have been around for centuries, and were the precursor to modern medicine. Herbal remedies are obtained from a wide variety of natural resources including plant leaves, bark, berries, flowers, and roots. Herbal medicine remains a popular alternative throughout China and the Far East, and is growing in popularity throughout the United States.
how can chinese herbal remedies help fertility
How Can Herbal Remedies Help Fertility?
Herbal remedies have long been used to address problems with fertility. In fact, evidence of the use of herbal remedies for female and male fertility dates all the way back to 200 A.D. These fertility herbal remedies are made out of special plants and plant extracts believed to have a positive effect on the reproductive organs, hormonal system, and sex drive. They are taken by men and women who wish to increase their chances of conception, as well as by couples that are facing fertility difficulties. Herbal remedies for fertility can help to address such fertility problems as:
hormonal imbalance
irregular menstruation
erectile dysfunction
sperm motility problems

Popular Herbal Remedies for Fertility
If you are considering taking herbal remedies for your fertility issues, here are a few popular choices to begin with:
Female Fertility Remedies:
There are a variety of different herbal remedies available to help increase female fertility levels. Common herbs for female fertility include:
Red Clover: Red clover is one of the most popular fertility remedies. High in vitamins, calcium, and magnesium, red clover helps to nourish the uterus and relax the nervous system, enabling conception. It is taken as a tea, daily.
Raspberry Leaf: Raspberry leaf is high in calcium and therefore works to restore hormonal balance. It is excellent when taken alongside red clover.
Lady's Mantle: This herb assists in building up the uterine lining and regulating menstruation. It is meant to be drunk as a tincture, once a day.
False Unicorn Root: False unicorn root not only restores hormonal balance in women, but it also helps to stimulate the ovaries and encourage ovulation.
Stinging Nettle: Stinging nettle contains high levels of chlorophyll and minerals, which helps to regulate the body's hormones as well as ovulation and menstruation. It is taken as a tea once daily.


What to Do If You Have Dry Skin, Standpoint From Chinese Medicine

Skin and Lung
Chinese medicine considers the Lung to dominate the skin and help the pores to open and close. If the Lung function becomes disordered it will affect the skin health and will cause the following conditions: 1). When the body is attacked by the external Wind and Heat (virus) it will affect Lung function. The body will then develop sneezing or sore throat and the skin can be itchy or have a rash or shingles. 2) If you smoke for a long time, you not only have a cough and phlegm or disorder of the Lung but also Dry Skin.

Skin, Heart and Liver
The Heart and Liver dominate the body's circulation and emotions.  Any circulation and emotions can affect the skin. This means that if the body has a Heart and Liver function disorder it will cause heat and toxins in the blood, flaring up on the skin causing certain skin problems or making them worse, such as pimples, Eczema or rashes.
what to do if you have dry skin, standpoint from chinese medicine

Skin and the Large Intestine
The skin and the Large Intestine are strongly related. If the body over eats (including hot and spicy foods) and drinks it may cause a lot of toxins to build up in the intestines, which will show on the skin.  The following skin problems are common: boils, pimples, rash, itchiness. The body may also have the following symptoms: constipation, pungent flatulence, bloating.

What to do if you have dry skin
1) Help from other Chinese Medicine & other therapies. If you are unsuccessful in treating your dry skin, find another way of treating it. It is important to find the cause of the dry skin as mentioned above. Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the natural therapies you can choose to help resolve this condition.

2) Lifestyle & Diet
a. Relax – arrange your lifestyle and work so that it is not a very stressful environment; avoid becoming emotional – these will affect the Liver and cause Liver Heat.

b. Avoid drinking alcohol and eating hot, spicy or deep-fried food; avoid onion, ginger, garlic, chives, shellfish and lamb – these can create Heat in the Liver, Lung or digestive system and flare up the skin.
c. Be sure to eat a certain amount of greens and cooling foods, such as celery, cucumber, green leafy vegetables, carrots, spinach,green tea, peppermint tea, mung beans, eggplant, lemon and pear.  

d. Exercise in nice and comfortable conditions, avoiding strong sunshine – exercise that is too fast or strong can flare up Heat.  

e. Sleep – make sure you have enough sleep; avoid going to sleep to late (best time is before 11pm)


Recover body sensations and some pressure after Reflexology

Recently a woman from England posted a question on quadriplegics on our Reflexology Forum.
The question brought back a lot of memories of Barbara and my work with paralysis. It first started years a go innocently enough. We were asked by one of our clients to work on Jimmy who had been left disabled by a car accident. His family didn't have much money so we worked for "worm money' or the two or three dollars that his mother gave us from her selling worms.
We would swing by after our office closed and worked on him. Barbara started working on his hands since I was working on his feet. We worked in a cramped room that was cold in the winter and hot in the summer.
One day Barbara noticed that his fingers on the hand opposite to the foot I was working on were moving. (We worked this way because of the tight quarters.)
We didn't know much about quadriplegics at this point in time. Barbara asked Jimmy if he was moving his fingers not knowing that he couldn't. Jimmy replied that no, "Kevin is moving them". We thought he was joking. It took us awhile to realize that in fact you could press on one part of the foot and the fingers on the opposite side would move.
It was fascinating and we filmed it. While we were filming it Jimmy complained that I was pressing too hard, another anomaly. It hurt below the break.
Bottom line we had the same effect on two paraplegics only their crossover went from one foot to the other. We worked with paralysis for quite awhile but actually achieved more results with Jimmy. He was able to recover bowel and bladder control, a lot of body sensations like heat/cold and some pressure. He was able to switch to a manual chair from an electric. We were teary eyed when he wrote us a letter unaided by any device.
The two paraplegics never had a bladder infection the whole time we worked on them and maintain a certain amount of muscle tone. They both went on to get married.
We always wondered if we could have helped Christopher Reeves. But it was impossible to reach him.
The key to the effect we observed was the eye/ear area. For some reason it triggered this "crossover effect" and it seemed to have a profound effect on them as well.


Hand Therapy Using Hand Qigong

Hand qigong is employed as physical exercises of the hand or the entire body induced by the hand, and is usually accompanied by breathing and mental exercises for treating diseases.
1. Origin and classification of hand qigong
Hand qigong is a branch of medical qigong for treatment of diseases and has a long developing history. There were an introduction and case reports mentioned in the medical literature of the Sui (581-618), Tang, Ming (1368-1644), and Qing dynasties. Hand qigong can be divided into two types: The pure physical exercise of the hand for treating diseases of the internal organs, and exercises of the entire body induced by the hand with breathing and mental exercises to adjust meridians, qi, and blood throughout the body.
2. Function and characteristics of hand qigong
The hand is closely connected to tissues and organs of the entire body through meridians, and there are many sensitive and effective acupoints, such as Hegu (L1 4), Laogong (PC 8) and Shaoshang (LU 11 ) on the hand. Therefore, the physical exercises of the hand and physical exercises of the body induced by the hand with breathing and mental exercises can adjust qi, breath and mental activity, promote circulation of qi and blood through meridians, adjust deficiency and excess in internal organs, and balance yin and yang throughout the body. This exercise is simple, practical, easy to learn, and can be practiced by people of all ages at any time and place. It is effective for treating manydiseases, especially chronic diseases, without harmful side effects.
3. Precautions:Before doing qigong exercises the practitioner should get rid of mental distractions, maintain a calm mental state, assume a proper posture, and develop a slow and even breath. Then, various types of special hand exercises or physical exercises of the entire body may begin.


How to regulate the period during the first year

how to regulate the period during the first year
Traditionally in Chinese culture raising boys and girls is different especially during the teenage years. The following advice will give you a good idea of how to look after your daughter's physical and emotional development:
1) Eat specific foods to restore Qi and Blood, especially during and after the period.
2) Regulate your sleep. Teenage girls should have enough sleep (at least 9 hours per night).
3) Avoid emotional distress. If you have emotional issues, please discuss them with your parents or seek professional advice.
4) If you experience strong, unexpected symptoms during the period such as strong period pain, clots, heavy or scanty menstruation, breast pain and discomfort a few days before the period, please seek professional advice with your GP or with an experienced Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.
5) Avoid cold foods and drinks. In order to improve circulation around the lower back and lower abdominal area (female organs are located in these areas).
6) Avoid cold environments such as walking bare foot or sitting on cold surfaces.
7) Avoid strong exercise during the period. Ideally rest is advised during this time, however gentle walking is suitable if necessary.
8) Avoid putting strain on the back and lower abdomen during the period.
9) Avoid holding fluids in the bladder for a long time, especially during the period.


Reflexology addresses stress in a proactive way

I recently wrote about how reflexology could help save the health care system. I just received a bulletin from the Foundation for Integrated Health. In it was an article which caught my eye. the article is called, Creating a National Wellness Service. It focuses on an issue that is key to cutting health care costs, shifting from a focus on illness to an emphasis on wellness. In essence creating a "wellness culture".
"The priority for healthcare in the 19th century was public health. The priority in the 20th century was universal access to medical care for infectious and acute diseases. The priority in the 21st century is increasingly the management of chronic diseases, in an emerging partnership between individuals, social networks and medical services. This implies some radical changes to how health is organised." David Boyle
Mr. Boyle argues that the the National Health Service (NHS) has become a "sickness service" and should now move onto a "wellness service". We have done wonders with infectious and acute diseases but fallen short in addressing the chronic degenerative diseases that plague our societies.
"Without this clarity, the NHS will remain at the mercy of factors like pollution, stress, diet and patient isolation. Its delivery systems are not well-designed to tackle the growing problem of chronic disease (80% of GP consultations and 80% of the NHS budget now go on this), for which mutual support, social networks and complementary therapies are frequently more critical." David Boyle
80% of the problem is being addressed reactively and not proactively. It is like the highway department helping to build more body shops in response to traffic hazards. We aren't addressing the root causes.
The figure 80 % is interesting because it also extends to stress related disorders. This isn't a mystery. Some of us age well while others go into serious decline. Chronic degenerative diseases are accelerated by stress.
Reflexology addresses stress in a proactive way. It can help someone before the onset of some troubling disorder. Studies have shown that reflexology acts on cortisol. Cortisol is a well know stress hormone and is linked to our fight or flight response. Stress is a killer and by lowering cortisol levels we lower our risks of developing something more serious.
Reflexology also provides nourishment to the tacitly deprived. In other words, it can help people out of isolation.
We used to have an elderly lady who wore her mink stole to the office. She even brought her own hanger for the stole. We were her human contact for the week and the mink stole was her prize possession. And she wanted to share it with us. She felt connected.
High tech has done wonders for acute problems. There is actually a theory that the reason the murder rate has dropped has more to do with advanced medical procedures than with people shooting each other less often. So high tech medicine has done wonders with saving lives when an acute event has occurred.
But to cut costs and save our health care system it maybe time for "high touch". Instead of fighting sickness we need to embrace a culture of wellness. We need to reach out to the stressed and the lonely with reflexology and the other high touch modalities.


Extract of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb for Bronchial Asthma

extract of sichuan fritillary bulb for bronchial asthma (image)
Sichuan fritillary bulb, Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae, 30g
Bitter apricot kernel, Semen Armeniacae Amarum, 20g
Root of purple-flowered peucedanum, Radix Peucedani, 15g
Gypsum Fibrosum (Shigao), 30g
Radix Glycyrrhizae (Gancao), 10g
Red tangerine peel, Exocarpium Citri Reticulatae, 30g
Snow pear, Pyrus nivalis, 6
Waxgourd, Fructus Benincasae, 100g
Crystal sugar, 150g
Alum, Alumen (right amount)
PROCESS: First decoct in water the bitter apricot kernel, root of purple-flowered peucedanum, gyspum and raw licorice root and sift out 500ml of the decoction; cut the waxgourd strips into bits as small as soybeans, break the Sichuan fritillary bulb into pieces and grind the red tangerine peel into powder; peel and pound the pears and mix them with the alum solution. Then put into the solution the waxgourd bits, the scrumbs of the crystal sugar, the broken Sichuan fritillary bulb, the red tangerine peel powder. And then pour the decoction into them in a big bowl and mix them well.  Finally put the bowl of the mixture in a food steamer and steam it with the bowl in the boiling water for about 50 minutes until it becomes sticky and thick extract.
DIRECTIONS: To be taken in several days, in the amount which one thinks fit per day. Suitable for Asthma of heat type.


What about the ostensibly invisible internal benefits of Taiji

Grandmaster Kongjie Gou, aged 60; full-time instructor of Chen Style Taiji based in Manchester, UK
Q: Could you start by recounting, in brief, your personal story and experience of Taiji?
Taiji to me is the unforgettable exercise of my life. I would never give it up. I did try other martial arts in the past, but I found that Taiji has the most effective benefits for me - particularly when I had cancer when I was young. I had a strong beliefl could use Taiji to fight the cancer and stay alive, keeping a good health for the future. I very strongly believed this. It comes from the Taiji philosophy which is to believe sincerely and strive for higher motivation. Otherwise, you won't have any chance to win against something like cancer. I convinced myself that I had such good Taiji that I would not die. I believed that I wouldn't die. I just kept practising. This is why I've practised for 35 years. I have had very good health and a very good mental state - a happy mood. A further benefit is that although my body is small compared to the average person, I have been able to use intelligent application of Taiji skill. And though I have been challenged by many other martial artists in the past I have never been beaten. This is the martial arts benefit of the Taiji skill. Click here to read Liver Cancer in TCM.6a49367adab44aed9f12f86ab31c8701a08bfbb6-1
Q : And now, how are you personally gaining from Chen Style Taiji?
I have a very healthy mental state. This is a crucial point, the psychological side. When you practise Taiji you should pay more attention to the mental and spiritual side, not the muscular side. You use the mental to control the physical, that is your body's movements. I have a very settled mental state. I use mind control.
Q : What, other than mind control, is key to someone beginning to understand Chen Style Taiji?
The circular movements in Taiji. The spiral shapes. These help you to relax the body so you have no blockages. So everything is flowing smoothly: Blood, breath, energy and Qi. This is key. You will have better health. And everything is based on good health. Click here to read Large Intestinal Cancer in TCM.
Q : How do you explain Taiji and its health benefits?
Taiji is one kind of martial arts exercises. It has great martial arts applications and benefits. But, all the martial arts application is based around having good health and body condition. This is fundamental to Taiji. All the skill is based on good health. For example, how can you fly to China if you don't have the ticket? How can you practice so hard and not have benefits to everything, breathing, muscles, and relaxation. Those kinds of benefits come from harder training. But if it's harder, it's also harder to catch cold, and other sicknesses because your body is stronger.
Q : Could you explain further about the movements and exercises?
Taiji movements are soft and flowing, and the benefits from this are that it makes your body very flexible and relaxed, with more sensitivity. This describes the top half of the body. The lower half of the body is very settled and solid. It looks like a tree with the tops blowing in the wind and the trunks rooted.
Q: So does the tree 'metaphor summarize the actual benefits as well as "the look" of Taiji?
Yes, in terms of development. Taiji perfectly suits the natural human growth of getting old, older and weaker, because Taiji offers the opposite benefits as you age. You get fitter and younger. The reverse of getting old. Whereas the natural procedure of aging is getting stiff, Taiji keeps you flexible. My conclusion is that Taiji "fights age back." Click here to read Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in TCM.
Q : What about the ostensibly "invisible" internal benefits?
Another benefit is a change in the way of breathing. Normal breathing uses the lung and Taiji breathing goes lower, to the Dantian. As deeper, longer breathing equals more oxygen supply and increased lung capacity. More efficiency. This ties in with all of Taiji's open-and-close movements. Plus the breathing, coupled with the movements, actually massages all your internal organs.
Q : What are your conclusions, at this stage of your life, regarding Chen Style Taiji?
First, Taiji can change your motivation - your mental state. You always look forward. I never become very depressed. Second are the body functions. Joints, muscles, everything is improved. Third is the breathing system, breathing is improved. These are the key benefits gained from Taiji that lead to a very good health and mental state with no external physical sickness at all. Such that, overall, people are getting fitter, gaining increased resistance and living longer, healthier lives. Click here to read Cirrhosis in TCM. 
Q: What' s your general view of Taiji practice among people in the UK and beyond?
I notice a lot of people love martial arts and practice Taiji, but it still has not been brought out, and explained, widely enough. Still a lot of people do not recognize the benefits of Taiji: its health and self-defence benefits. In particular, most people don't understand the deep meaning of Taiji and the real benefit you can get from it. People misconstrue the surface representation of Taiji, the waving of arms. This is just the basic understanding of it. There's more beneath the surface, great benefits. Taiji is a great exercise. No other sports exercise can replace it. It's so unique as the whole body works together: internal, external, extremities and roots, surface and deeper, and so on. All is together in one unit, even your hair with your internal organs. When one part of your body moves, all other parts move together simultaneously. When one part stays still, the others are still. All the movements are in harmony. But, if many people here don't realize or know what Taiji is, then this just leads us to do more promotion to let everybody understand the Taiji philosophy to a higher level. My wish is for most people to recognize the great benefits of Taiji for health, self-defence and fitness. Taiji is growing healthily and it will prove beneficial to more and more people in the future. I treat the Taiji as seeds, hopefully growing up with flowers and good results in the future. Click here to read Nasopharynx Cancer in TCM.
Q : Now that you are based in Manchester, UK, how do you foresee your work here?
My emphasis will be on training the younger generation from a young age in a very good system. Serious training starts from very young. Everybody will become very professionally, skillful. So one aim is to build a group of young people so that those people can spread the benefits of Taiji and influence others. That's a key focus. Also, I aim to train a group talented and interested students to become instructors. I wish to help more people become qualified to teach Chen Style Taiji, again to help promote Taiji. I also hope to create a core group of Taiji practitioners in the Chen Style Taiji Centre who will go around and do demonstrations and performances as part of the promotion of Taiji. To let people see Taiji in a straightforward way and to spread its teachings.
Plus, of course, this work opportunity benefits me as I get older. Having moved from China to Manchester, UK, I have come to a good environment. I can work as a full-time instructor in the Chen Style Taiji Centre and this is very good for my retirement.
A: What of the future?
I'm doing a job I'm interested in. And as I can train so much, I can expect myselfto improve my own Taiji to even higher standards!


Chinese herbal medicines approaches to male infertility

Male factor is a common cause of infertility and the male partner must be systematically evaluated in the workup of every infertile couple. Various Eastern medical strategies have been tried with variable success. This article describes the clinical effects of Eastern medicine approaches including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, massage, yoga, tai chi, and qi gong, which could improve the sperm parameters and motility, genital inflammatory conditions, as well as immune system disorders, sexual dysfunction, and varicocele. Acupuncture reduces inflammation, increases sperm motility, improves semen parameters, modulates the immune system, and improves sexual and ejaculatory dysfunction in male infertility. The clinical effects may be mediated via activation of somatic afferent nerves innervating the skin and muscle. Click to learn how Chinese medicine treats Male Infertility.
Chinese herbal medicines may also exert helpful effects in male infertility, and it is worth noting that some herbal drugs may result in male infertility. Massage also exerts positive effects in male infertility. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of clinical effects are unclear. Tai chi, qi gong, and yoga have not been investigated in male infertility, but it has been reported to regulate endocrine and central or autonomic nervous systems. In conclusion, Eastern medical approaches have beneficial on reproductive effects in male infertility. However, future well-designed, randomized, clinical control trials are needed to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and mechanisms of Eastern medical approaches for male infertility.