
Using TCM natural remedies for cough

Has winter left you with a scratchy throat and nagging cough? If you are like most people, you might already have reached for that bottle of cherry-flavored over-the-counter (OTC) cough syrup. According to the American Chemistry Society (ACS), a nonprofit chartered by the U.S. Congress, you’re not alone. Every year thousands of people worldwide spend billions of dollars on cough medicines. According to the Drug News Store report, cough syrup sales were worth almost $580 million in 2015.
Back in the old days, your OTC cough syrup may have consisted of alcohol, cannabis, morphine, chloroform, or even heroin. Luckily those days are over, but are today’s options any better and do they work as well as we think they do?
ACS called the active ingredients in today’s cough syrups "more reasonable." However, we at Natural News have our doubts. Most of these syrups include synthetic chemicals which have been linked to serious adverse health effects.
Does cough syrup actually work?
The ACS analyzed both the chemistry behind cough medicines and data from previous scientific research into the efficacy of those drugs and published its findings in a video earlier this month.
The researchers analyzed systemic reviews and found very little evidence that cough syrups are effective at doing their job. They reported that these medications are generally no better than a placebo. In one of the systematic reviews they looked at, which included 19 previously conducted studies, 15 showed no benefit or the results were conflicting. All other reports showed similar results. The researchers concluded that there is no real evidence for or against the effectiveness of OTC drugs in an acute cough.
Furthermore, these OTC meds can have deteriorating side effects and even lead to death when taken in larger doses. Every year, thousands of children under 12 end up in the emergency room due to accidental cough medicine overdose, reported the ACS.
And if you thought you were better off with treatments based on Echinacea, vitamin C or zinc, the ACS researchers noted that aside from the placebo effect, these remedies will likely not help soothe a cough either. Although upping your vitamin C levels and boosting your immune system may help prevent a viral infection and winter cough in the first place.
What you should do instead
Though OTC cough syrups may help you sleep better, it is a persistent and nagging cough you want to get rid of, right? So, what should you do instead?
Drink plenty of fluids to thin out extra mucus and reduce the cough reflex.
Use a humidifier or take a steamy shower to reduce congestions.
Honey and lemon have been used for ages to treat a cough and science backs it up. Especially kids fare well by this age-old remedy. It soothes the back of their throats which eases a cough. And it’s delicious, especially in hot tea.
Cough drops have proven their effectiveness. They help to get saliva flowing which soothes a sore or irritated throat.
Or why not diffuse the healing aroma of essential oils throughout your home to find relief? The potent plant compounds in some essential oils can suppress a cough and enable you to breathe better, especially when you are asleep. Some of the best essential oils to treat a cough include lemon, frankincense, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary, tea tree and thivevs oil.

Acupuncture to be more effective in treating pain than morphine

Acupuncture is an age-old traditional Chinese practice in which practitioners stimulate specific trigger points on the body by inserting thin needles through the skin. In Asia, acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat back, knee, and neck pain, osteoarthritis, headaches, and many other medical conditions. Today researchers are slowly unraveling what benefits acupuncture can have on our overall health.

According to new research, published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine, acupuncture may be more efficient in the management of pain than intravenous morphine. Furthermore, the study reported that acupuncture can work faster in relieving pain and with no adverse health effects. When performed by an experienced, well-trained practitioner using sterile needles, acupuncture is generally well-tolerated and considered safe for most people.

The dark side of morphine use
People suffering chronic pain are usually prescribed morphine or morphine-like prescription drugs. These opioid pain medications are highly addictive and can have severe adverse health effects. Next to being highly addictive, morphine-based drugs can cause drowsiness, dizziness, Constipation, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, Headache, tired feeling, anxiety, and mild itching.

Furthermore, a research team from the University of Colorado-Boulder reported that they may actually worsen chronic pain instead of treating it. As reported by Waking Times, prescription painkillers have been responsible for more than 183,000 deaths over the last 15 years.

Even though there are several holistic alternatives available to treat chronic pain, doctors keep prescribing these health-damaging drugs to the majority of pain sufferers. Current evidence suggests acupuncture is one of the most effective holistic treatments to combat pain. It might even be more effective than morphine, according to the researchers from the Fattaouma Bourguiba University Hospital in Tunisia.

Acupuncture versus Big Pharma
For their study, the research team evaluated 300 emergency patients. Of these 300 patients, 150 were administered up to 15 milligrams of morphine per day while the other 150 people were treated with acupuncture to manage their pain.
The team concluded that there was a significant difference in pain reduction between the two groups. The acupuncture group experienced greater pain reduction. Furthermore, the researcher reported that the effect occurred faster and with fewer side effects compared to the morphine group.

This is not the first time acupuncture has been associated with better health and pain reduction. In 1996, acupuncture became an accepted form of medical treatment, officially recognized by some governments throughout the world. Nonetheless, harmful prescription medication is for many pain sufferers still the way they choose to manage their chronic aches and pain.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), conditions for which acupuncture has been proven to be an effective treatment include adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, Allergic Rhinitis, biliary colic, depression, dysentery, nausea, morning sickness, hypertension, headaches, Sciatica and lower back, knee, and neck pain.

As you can see, acupuncture can play a crucial role in pain management. It works better than morphine, one of the strongest painkillers out there, making it an effective drug-free alternative to health-damaging prescription drugs.

If you, or one of your loved ones, suffers from chronic pain, instead of relying on money-generating, addictive medications why not give this ancient, time-tested, natural practice your trust?


9 natural home remedies for the treatment of bronchitis

Bronchitis is not fun to deal with; you’ll cough, you’ll wheeze, and you’ll feel short of breath. Fortunately, this infection is manageable. There are several home remedies available that can help you deal with this irritating condition. From essential oils to warm teas, MedicalNewsToday.com states that these are the best ways to ease the load on your lungs.

Take honey – With its vast array of health benefits, it makes sense that honey would be effective against the more tiresome symptoms of bronchitis. Besides stabilizing your immunity and alleviating inflammation, honey can also relieve a sore throat.
Take ginseng extract – This potent herbal remedy will do wonders for your lungs. Ginseng reduces inflammation, decreases lung bacteria, and even prevents mucus from accumulating.

Take N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – By cutting down on the severity and frequency of coughing, this supplement offers a lot of comfort to bronchitis sufferers. As an added bonus, NAC can also thin mucus so that it can be expelled from the body with ease.

Use essential oils – Certain essential oils are good at aiding in inflammation abatement and mucus elimination; these include peppermint, tea tree, eucalyptus, basil, thyme, and oregano. Use the essential oil of your choice in a diffuser, add it to a bath, or inhale it directly.

Up your vitamin D intake – Vitamin D as a whole is good for your health as it supports your immune system. This important vitamin does this by increasing the immunity’s antimicrobial defenses while also diminishing the inflammatory effects of cytokine proteins. According to VitaminDCouncil.org, people with low vitamin D levels may be more prone to respiratory infections, so get as much of this nutrient as possible.

Drink warm liquids – Coughing will be much easier with warm water or tea since these fluids dilute mucus. Ginseng tea and lemon honey tea are two soothing teas you should stock up on if you’re struggling through bronchitis.

Wear a face mask – Cold air can worsen a cough, so if you live in a place with chilly weather, put on a face mask. A scarf will do in a pinch, as will any article of clothing if you don’t have access to a face mask. Cold-air face masks are available, so consider investing in these if your bronchitis is severe.

Try pursed-lip breathing – This breathing technique is recommended for people with bronchitis. It’s simple to execute too: just inhale through your nose for two seconds, pucker your lips, and then slowly exhale through your mouth for four or six seconds. Pursed-lip breathing will keep your airways open longer and assist your lungs in expelling stale air, making it much easier to breathe.

Use a humidifier – The warm, moist air from this device will loosen the mucus clogging up your airways,making easier to breathe. Boost the efficacy of your humidifier by adding a few drops of eucalyptus, peppermint, or other essential oils.
If you ever feel a cough developing, be sure to take immediate action. That cough could become something worse in the long run. You’ll know it’s bronchitis if you have difficulty breathing, chest discomfort, chills, a headache, a sore throat, or a low-grade fever. Decrease your risk of bronchitis by taking enough vitamins and minerals to strengthen your immune system, and by quitting smoking altogether. Smoking makes you more susceptible to chronic bronchitis, a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) caused by bronchial irritants.

If you want to learn more information about TCM TreatmentChinese Medicine Treatment for DiseasesAcupuncture for DiseasesChinese Herbalism, please visit tcmwindow, sure you'll have a good harvest.


How to calm heart rate with acupuncture therapy in TCM

Acupuncture can normalize heart rate as well as increase the stamina of athletes undergoing high-intensity training, a study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine has found.

Prolonged and high-intensity training sessions typically cause athletes to accumulate fatigue and show a decline in performance which increases the risk of sports injuries. Fortunately, recovery and athletic performance can be improved, and fatigue and risk of injuries can be mitigated through proper recovery strategies. Thus, a team of researchers from Khon Kaen University in Thailand looked at the effects of acupuncture therapy on the heart rate of athletes engaging in high-intensity training.

The study involved 24 elite soccer players who were undergoing a four-week, high-intensity training session. The study participants were then randomly assigned into two groups – acupuncture or sham acupuncture group.

The group given acupuncture therapy stimulated the acupressure points Zusanli, Hegu, Shenshu, and Chize for two times a week. On the other hand, the sham acupuncture group received a special placebo-needle technique on the same acupressure points. The researchers measured the heart rate variability parameters of the participants before and after interventions, respectively.

Results showed that the stress index greatly increased in the placebo group, whereas no significant difference was observed in the acupuncture group. A high stress index makes athletes feel anxious, raises mental pressure, and causes fatigue. This means that acupuncture therapy can reduce depression or anxiety disorders, as well as enhance recovery, according to the researchers. Moreover, the researchers wrote that an increase in parasympathetic activity in the acupuncture group indicated that it could be a means for faster heart rate recovery.

The findings of the study indicate that acupuncture therapy on certain acupressure points could strengthen the paraympathethic nervous activity and regulate the balance between parasympathethic and sympathetic activity in soccer players as they engage in high-intensity training.

"These findings suggest that acupuncture therapy can facilitate recovery during prolonged, high-intensity training and be an effective means for recovery in training," the researchers wrote.

How acupuncture works
Acupuncture, a 3,000-year-old healing technique of traditional Chinese medicine, is a form of treatment wherein very thin needles are inserted through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, commonly referred to as acupuncture points or acupoints.

Traditional Chinese medicine is based on an ancient philosophy that describes the universe, and the body, in terms of two opposing forces called yin and yang. The body is healthy as a result of a balance between yin and yang. If the flow of energy is blocked, it can result in pain, lack of function, or illness.

With acupuncture therapy, it unblocks energy in the body and stimulate function, which prompts the natural healing response of the body through different physiological systems. Previous studies have shown that acupuncture is beneficial to the nervous, endocrine and immune, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. It can also help relieve pain, and improve sleep quality, digestive function, and sense of well-being.

There is also increasing evidence on the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating various conditions, which include musculoskeletal problems, such as back and neck pain, nausea, migraine, headache, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and infertility.


Treating pediatric asthma with Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)

A randomized controlled trial compared the efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) prescriptions to salbutamol and montelukast in the improvement of asthma control, mitigating asthma attacks, and enhancing the quality of life among pediatric asthma patients. The results showed that TCM prescriptions achieved better symptom control (SC) in children who have asthma.

The researchers published their findings in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

A total of 182 children with asthma were randomized into either the TCM group or the SM group.
Patients in the TCM group were treated with a series of Chinese herbal prescriptions, while those in the SM group received salbutamol and montelukast. Both groups underwent treatment for 12 weeks.

At the end of the trial period, researchers compared asthma control, shifts in scores of TCM symptom patterns, and SC scores following treatment.

A higher percentage of patients in the TCM group (91.67 percent) displayed asthma control compared with those in the SM group ( 76.83 percent), suggesting TCM can control asthma attacks. Scores for abnormal feces, hyperhidrosis, and tongue appearance in the TCM group were also better.

There were no major differences in the total scores of TCM symptom patterns and SC scores of the two groups. But patients of the TCM group suffered fewer asthma attacks, so they didn’t need as much antibiotics and glucocorticoids (second-line asthma treatment medicines) to treat bacterial and respiratory-tract infections.

If you want to learn more information about TCM TreatmentChinese Medicine Treatment for DiseasesAcupuncture for DiseasesChinese Herbalism, please visit tcmwindow, sure you'll have a good harvest.

Tai Chi lowers stress, anxiety and depression levels

Tai Chi lowers stress, anxiety and depression levels. It reduces mood disturbance and boosts self-esteem. This form of Chinese martial arts also boosts self-confidence and overcomes the fear of pain.
You can do basic Tai Chi moves at home. Here’s how.

Windmill exercise.
Stand with feet parallel, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Let arms hang loose. Bring hands in front your body using your pubic bone while your fingers point down. Breathe in. Raise arms to the center above your head; fingers pointed upwards. Stretch upwards and bend your spine slightly backward.

Breathe out
Slowly bend forward to the floor and move hands to the center. Bend forward from the hip joint, letting your arms hang loosely in front. Breathe in and go back to starting position.

Knee rolls
Stand with feet slightly apart, knees bent a bit. Put hands on knees; fingers pointed toward each other. Rotate knees to the left, back, right and front. Do this in clockwise and counter-clockwise direction.

Hand exercises
Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Raise arms straight ahead of you, shoulder height. Stretch hands as far as you can. Rotate wrists clockwise, then counter-clockwise.

Closing stance
This aims to balance your energy and promote relaxation and quiet. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Relax shoulders. Cup hands with palms facing up, resting in front of your pelvis. Close eyes. Breathe in. Imagine pulling energy up as you position your hands to your chest. Breathe out. Rotate hands and let your palms face down. Imagine pushing energy downwards while your hands move toward the floor. Repeat as many times as you can.

If you want to learn more information about TCM TreatmentChinese Medicine Treatment for DiseasesAcupuncture for DiseasesChinese Herbalism, please visit tcmwindow, sure you'll have a good harvest.