
Acupuncture Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common behavioral conditions among children. In the United States alone, approximately 4.5 million children between the ages of 5-17 years old are diagnosed with ADHD each year. Research indicates that when treating ADHD, a multidisciplinary approach is most effective; combining behavioral therapy, exercise, dietary changes and medication. Now acupuncture can be added as one of the treatment methods that can successfully manage ADHD.
What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) is a condition of the brain that makes it difficult to concentrate or control impulsive behavior.
Children with ADHD generally struggle with paying attention or concentrating. They can't seem to follow directions and are easily bored or frustrated with tasks. They also tend to move constantly and are impulsive, not stopping to think before they act. These behaviors are generally common in children. But they occur more often than usual and are more severe in a child with ADHD. The behaviors that are common with ADHD interfere with a child's ability to function at school and at home.
Adults with ADHD may have difficulty with time management, organizational skills, goal setting, and employment. They may also have problems with relationships, self-esteem, and addictions.
Treatment for ADHD
Treatment for ADHD is multifaceted. It consists of ADHD medications, behavioral therapy and lifestyle and dietary modifications. ADHD is best managed when families, educational and health professionals work together to meet the unique needs of the child or adult who has ADHD to help them learn to focus their attention, develop their personal strengths, minimize disruptive behavior, and become productive and successful. Acupuncture is an excellent addition to any treatment plan as it is used to help the body restore balance, treating the root of the disorder, while also diminishing the symptoms of ADHD.
What acupuncture can help with:
Improve focus and attention
Manage moods
Reduce fidgeting
Lower hyperactivity
Augment mood management techniques
Enhance concentration
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White peony is a herb for women to nourish Yin and blood

White peony is a plant that originated in Asia and is cultivated in China and Japan. It can live for 50 years or more, and it grows flowers of various colors. White peony is primarily known for its use in traditional Chinese medicine, in the area of gynecological treatments. White peony has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 1,500 years. The root is the part used medicinally.
What are the health benefits of White Peony Root?
White peony tea may have even greater health benefits than green tea, because it has a higher concentration of antioxidant polyphenols. Delicate and sweet, it’s also a perfect choice for anyone who finds black or green tea too acidic. Buy it in loose-leaf form and steep with hot – not boiling – water; boiling water will make it bitter.
In TCM, white peony is considered to have strong blood-toning, anti-inflammatory, sedative, and antispasmodic properties. It is used to treat any imbalance of blood in the body, such as nourishing the blood, countering Anemia, activating circulation, dispelling congealed blood and clearing heat from the body by cooling the blood and/or inflammatory conditions like heat rash, Eczema, and fever. Research suggests that paeoniflorin, a monoterpene in white peony root, prevents blood clot formation.
It is one of the most important women’s herbal tonics in TCM, and is given for excessive menstrual bleeding, bleeding between periods, Premenstrual Syndrome, and the absence of periods, as well as gynaecological disorders, including polycystic ovarian syndrome, vaginal discharges, uterine fibroids, some types of female infertility and hormonal imbalances, and averting miscarriage. Herbalists also prescribe white peony root to improve digestive, spleen, and liver function, as a laxative, and to help with muscular cramping, griping pain, spasms, and seizures.
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TCM Natural herbal remedies are ideal for Vitiligo

Treatment continues until the skin is one uniform color. Because the disease strongly affects the way a person looks mental and psychological support is necessary. A person should learn as much about the disease to understand the disease process.
If it is consulted a dermatologist for Vitiligo youll be given a prescription for a corticosteroid cream such creams can be very effective but this benefit is usually temporary and not without unwanted effects it is not unlikely that you find yourself disappointed with the outcome. Acupuncture And Vitiligo in an arrangement with Psoralen therapy and alone phototherapy with Ultraviolet A is known as PUVA it is also being more popular showing variable reports of effectiveness. There is another new option of surgical transplantation of Melanocytes which has represented some promise but this is very expensive and under experimental process. Herbal remedies for Vitiligo are more popular than the prescription medicine in that the main cause herbal products are more economical tolerable and more effective than the Steroid cream.
The re-pigmentation produced by these treatments is temporary and is believed to last for two to three years and after that healed vitiligo touch up treatments are necessary. If you have vitiligo on a small area that is present on the visible area of skin then you should use cosmetic products like fake tanning lotions concealers foundations skin dyes or any Acupuncture And Vitiligo other product that just helps in disguising vitiligo temporarily.
Natural herbal remedies are ideal as they are inexpensive and the ingredients are readily obtainable. Here is a helpful homeTurmeric contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic characteristics; it plays a significant role in Ayur Vedic medicines due to its health reimbursement. It increases the body’s natural immunity when applied on wounds it can Acupuncture And acupressure points vitiligo Vitiligo put off bacterial infection. Home remedies made using mustard oil and turmeric is very helpful for. The oil is anti bacterial and can assist detoxify the body. How to make use of: Mix 4 teaspoons turmeric powder with 240 ml mustard oil.
Medical treatments for vitiligo are notoriously expensive ineffective and associated with a high risk of side effects. Unfortunately this people with this condition are often desperate for a cure and are willing to pay any price tag even when they are told about the problems and limitations of the therapies. Every year the pharmaceutical industry keeps coming up with new more expensive and still ineffective therapies. And the Acupuncture And Vitiligo profits for the industry keep increasing.
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Herbal and Chinese medicine for Infertility

Infertility is the failure of a couple to conceive a pregnancy after trying to do so for at least one full year. In primary infertility, pregnancy has never occurred. In secondary infertility, one or both members of the couple have previously conceived, but are unable to conceive again after a full year of trying.
Approximately 20% of couples struggle with infertility at any given time. Infertility has increased as a problem over the last 30 years. Some studies blame this increase on social phenomena, including the tendency for marriage and starting a family to occur at a later age. For women, fertility decreases with increasing age:
Male factors
Male infertility can be caused by a number of different characteristics of the sperm. To check for these characteristics, a sample of semen is obtained and examined under the microscope (semen analysis). Four basic characteristics are usually evaluated:
Sperm count refers to the number of sperm present in a semen sample. The normal number of sperm present in just 1 ml of semen is over 20 million. A man with only 5–20 million sperm is considered subfertile and a man with fewer than 5 million sperm is considered infertile.
Sperm are also examined to see how well they swim (sperm motility) and to be sure that most have normal structure.
Not all sperm within a specimen of semen will be perfectly normal. Some may be immature, and some may have abnormalities of the head or tail. A normal semen sample will contain no more than 25% abnormal forms of sperm.
Volume of the semen sample is important. An abnormal amount of semen could affect the ability of the sperm to successfully fertilize an ovum.
Any number of conditions result in abnormal findings in the semen analysis. Men can be born with testicles that have not descended properly from the abdominal cavity (where testicles develop originally) into the scrotal sac, or may be born with only one instead of the normal two testicles. Testicle size can be smaller than normal. Past infection (including mumps) can affect testicular function, as can a past injury. The presence of abnormally large veins (varicocele) in the testicles can increase testicular temperature, which decreases sperm count. History of having been exposed to various toxins, drug use, excess alcohol use, use of anabolic steroids, certain medications, diabetes, thyroid problems, or other endocrine disturbances can have direct effects on the formation of sperm (spermatogenesis). A study published in late 2001 linked certain organic solvents that men encounter in the workplace as possible causes of low sperm count. The types of solvents are most likely encountered in such occupations as those of professional printers, painters, and decorators. Theories suggest solvents like glycol ethers, which are know to affect animals' reproductive systems, are the most harmful.
Problems with the male anatomy can cause sperm to be ejaculated not out of the penis, but into the bladder; and scarring from past infections can interfere with ejaculation.
Studies continue to uncover reasons for male infertility. In 2001, researchers reported that a certain protein lacking in the sperm could prevent formation of the structure on the head of the sperm that contains enzymes that help penetrate the egg, allowing conception. The finding should lead to further study of the molecular basis of male fertility.
Ovulatory problems
The first step in diagnosing ovulatory problems is to make sure that an ovum is being produced each month. A woman's morning body temperature is slightly higher around the time of ovulation. A woman can measure and record her temperatures daily and a chart can be drawn to show whether or not ovulation has occurred. Luteinizing hormone (LH) is released just before ovulation. A simple urine test can be done to check if LH has been released around the time that ovulation is expected.
Pelvic adhesions & endometriosis
Pelvic adhesions cause infertility by blocking the fallopian tubes and preventing the sperm from reaching the egg. Pelvic adhesions are fibrous scars. These scars can be the result of past infections, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, or infections following abortions or prior births. Previous abdominal surgeries can also leave behind scarring.
Endometriosis is the abnormal location of uterine tissue outside of the uterus. When uterine tissue is planted elsewhere in the pelvis, it still bleeds on a monthly basis with the start of the normal menstrual period. This leads to irritation within the pelvis around the site of this abnormal tissue and bleeding, and may cause scarring. Endometriosis may lead to pelvic adhesions.
A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) can show if the fallopian tubes are blocked. This is an x-ray exam that tests whether dye material can travel through the patient's fallopian tubes. Scarring also can be diagnosed by examining the pelvic area through the use of a laparoscope that is inserted into the abdomen through a tiny incision made near the navel.
Cervical factors
The cervix is the opening from the vagina into the uterus through which the sperm must pass. Mucus produced by the cervix helps to transport the sperm into the uterus. Injury to the cervix or scarring of the cervix after surgery or infection can result in a smaller than normal cervical opening, making it difficult for the sperm to enter. Injury or infection can also decrease the number of glands in the cervix, leading to a smaller amount of cervical mucus. In other situations, the mucus produced is the wrong consistency (perhaps too thick) to allow sperm to travel through. In addition, some women produce antibodies (immune cells) that are specifically directed to identify sperm as foreign invaders and to kill them.
Cervical mucus can be examined under a microscope to diagnose whether cervical factors are contributing to infertility. The interaction of a live sperm sample from the male partner and a sample of cervical mucus from the female partner can also be examined. This procedure is called a post-coital test.
Herbal and Chinese medicine
The following may be taken by women to treat infertility:
Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) has been used to regulate menstrual cycles and for infertility.
Licorice helps to balance levels of estrogen and testosterone and is used for infertility.
Red clover (Trifolium pratense) has a beneficial effect on the uterus, can calm the nervous system, and can balance hormone levels.
Nettle (Urtica dioica) supports the uterus and hormonal system.
Raspberry leaf strengthens the mucous lining of the uterus.
Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) balances hormone production.
Ladies mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) balances hormone production.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is an Ayurvedic remedy for infertility and works by balancing hormones.
Rehmannia is an Ayurvedic remedy for infertility.
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) is an Ayurvedic remedy for infertility.
False unicorn (Chamaelirium luteum) balances hormone levels.
Pomegranate essence balances the reproductive system.
The following may be taken by men to treat infertility:
Ginseng may increase the formation of sperm, testosterone levels, and sexual activity.
Pygeum may help infertile men who have a reduced secretion of semen.
Pine bark extract improves sperm shape.
Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) balances hormone production.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is an Ayurvedic remedy for infertility and works by balancing hormones. May increase sperm production.
Saw palmetto (Serenoa serrulata) increases the production of testosterone and strengthens the reproductive system.
Ashwaganda (Withania omnifera) is an Ayurvedic remedy that improves the quality of semen and sperm count.
Chinese herbals must be specifically designed and used to treat infertility in males.
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Prawns can act to improve sexual libido

Prawns can help nourish the kidneys. Chinese medicine believes the strength and weakness of a male's sexual libido, has an enormous direct correlation with the strength and weakness of the kidneys. Therefore, those with poor kidney function should frequently consume prawns, and those who frequently eat prawns, can delay onset of aging, dementia and prolong sexual libido.
Prawns can clear blood vessels and warm the meridians. Therefore, those who often suffer from cold extremities, loss of strength in the waist and hips, or heaviness of the limbs, should eat more prawns. It can help to promote blood circulation, especially on cold days.
Those individuals suffering post natal delivery, with either none or lack of lactation, should drink more prawn broth to increase lactation and milk letdown. The prawn shells should be cooked together, to increase the blood calcium levels.
Caution: because prawns are high in protein and are not easily digested, those people who suffer from poor digestion, should consume less prawns. Those who suffer from skin allergies, which result in the production of red blisters or carbuncles, should also eat less, or avoid prawns.
prawns can act to improve sexual libido
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Fibroids home treatments, fibroids natural home cure

Uterine fibroids also known as myomas, leiomyomas or fibromyomas are non-cancourous tumor growths of the uterine. These often appear during child bearing years of women and are rarely associated with an increased risk for cancer.
Uterine fibroids can show no signs and symptoms for most of the women, however most common symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure, constipation, bleeding between periods or prolonged menstrual periods, frequent urination, leg pain and backache.
fibroids home treatments, fibroids natural home cure
Soy products
Although the exact cause for the development of fibroids is not known, researchers show that certain genetic alterations, obesity, hormonal imbalance (imbalance of estrogen and progesterone) and other chemicals may affect fibroid growth.
Fibroids are not cancerous and grow very slowly. They rarely interfere with pregnancy and generally shrink after menopause when the levels of reproductive hormones decline.
So if like most of the women you have no signs and symptoms of fibroids then watchful waiting can be the best treatment option. During this watchful waiting phase observation is very important. If the symptoms develop over a period of time or if there is unexplained pain then consult a specialit immediately. Other surgical treatment option includes - Myomectomy – in this procedure the specialist removes or destroys the fibroids, leaving the uterus in place (there are chances of fibroids recurrence after this procedure) and Hysterectomy – in this the specialist removes the uterus, this is a permanent solution to deal with fibroids, but remember it can also terminate your ability to bear children, also if you opt to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes at a young age then other considerations like hormone replacement therapy should also be kept in mind.
Fibroids Natural Treatments
Fibroids treatment through some fibroids home remedies can also be helpful during this watchful waiting period. The most studied fibroids natural cures is to minimize the consumption of fatty foods like red meat and beef and in turn include lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals and pulses. Meat and dairy products are also believed to have estrogen like effects on the body and the uterus and are related to promote fibroid growth. Studies prove that women with this diet pattern are at a lower risk of developing fibroids.
Increasing the consumption of soy and soy products also helps as it is believed that soy protein can have weak estrogen like effects which helps to regulate the altered hormonal balance. The soy proteins compete with the estrogen in the body and prevent it from stimulating any fibroid growth. Certain supplements and herbs like dandelion, yellow dock root and milk thistle seed are also believed to prevent and shrink fibroid growth; however before stating any supplements are making any dietary changes consult your specialist or a health care professional for appropriate guidance.
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Reflexology is claimed to work on an energy level

The underlying theory behind reflexology is that there are "reflex" areas on the feet and hands that correspond to specific organs, glands, and other parts of the body. For example:
--the tips of the toes reflect the head
--the heart and chest are around the ball of the foot
--the liver, pancreas and kidney are in the arch of the foot
--low back and intestines are towards the heel.
Reflexology is claimed to work on an ‘energy’ level, to help restore and maintain the body’s natural equilibrium. Reflexologists do not claim to cure, diagnose or prescribe. Each session of reflexology works on an individual basis. However, it has been suggested that following specific conditions may be alleviated by treatment with reflexology:
Asthma; Sleep disorders; Sinus pain; Pre-menstrual syndrome, menstrual irregularities and hormonal imbalances; Menopausal symptoms; Constipation; Diarrhoea; Headaches and Migraines; Neck pain; Shoulder pain; Sciatica; Back pain.
Many people use reflexology as a means of relaxing the mind and body and counteracting stress. It may help to cope on a physical, mental and emotional level and so encourage healing and the maintenance of health in all areas of life. Some doctors, consultants and other healthcare professionals recognise reflexology as a well-established, respected and effective therapy on an individual basis.
These are ten of the main claims made for Reflexology; that it:
 1.Helps alleviate stress and tension.
 2.Improves circulation throughout the body.
 3.Aids in the removal of toxins.
 4.Helps the body maintain a natural state of homeostasis.
 5.Encourages the immune system to work at its optimum level.
 6.Helps rejuvenate the system and increase energy levels.
 7.Breaks up the blockages affecting the flow of energy throughout the body.
 8.Relieves common aches and pains.
 9.Contributes to the overall well-being of the body, mind, and soul.
 10.Promotes healthy organ function.


How Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Treat Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is defined as the absence of menstruation in a pre-menopausal woman. If no menstruation occurs by age 16, it is called "primary amenorrhea." Whereas "secondary amenorrhea" is the stoppage of menstruation for more than three months when there is no confirmed pregnancy, menopause, or breast feeding involved. Secondary amenorrhea can be caused by elevated prolactin or androgens, Hypothyroidism, Hypopituitarism, extreme exercise, extreme weight loss or eating disorders, stress or psychological disorders, or improper functioning of the ovaries. The most common symptoms are the cessation of menses, nausea, swollen breasts, headaches, and goiters.
Since normal menstrual cycles are based on a feedback system between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries and the reaction of the uterine lining to stimulation, the goal of any treatment would be to restore this feedback system. There are many hormones involved in ensuring a proper menstruation can take place, such as: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, estrogen, progesterone, androgen, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).
In Chinese medicine the most important organs that regulate blood and menstruation are the liver, spleen, and kidneys. The kidneys are responsible for conception, reproduction, and egg quality. The spleen and liver control the amount of nutrients and the smooth flow of the hormones. Nurture Acupuncture treats patients with Amenorrhea based on an individualized assessment of their particular condition and custom tailors an appropriate and effective treatment plan.
Acupuncture promotes proper hormonal balance and regulates the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Ovarian axis by stimulating blood flow to the reproductive organs and the brain. It also relaxes the body and reduces stress levels (elevated stress can prohibit menstruation by blocking blood flow to the reproductive organs and causing an imbalance in hormonal production).
Chinese herbs are highly individualized and help build the uterine lining and adjust the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Ovarian axis. This rebalance helps regulate and improve the body’s natural hormonal production which in turn aids in proper menstruation. And, Chinese herbs nourish the spleen, liver, and kidney system which are responsible for our reproductive health.
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Chinese herbs for abdominal pain and gas bloating

As mentioned earlier, this symptom relates to a few of zang-fu viscera. Furthermore, meridians like Three Yin Channels of Hand and Foot, Shaoyang Gallbladder Channel of Foot, Chong channel, Conception Channel, and Belt Channel also circulate through abdomen. Both zang-fu viscera and meridians, impaired by exogenous disease and internal damage, could lead to abdominal pain and bloating due to disorder of Qi movement, hampering of Qi and blood movement, and lack of nourishing due to deficiency of Qi and blood. Clinically the most common patterns, however, are cold pathogen obstructing and deficient cold of spleen and stomach. So, the following discussion will focus only on these two patterns for the sake of extra emphasis. Common list of Chinese herbs used are as follows:
1. Cold pathogen obstructing
Gao Liang Jiang (Galangal Rhizome), Wu Zhu Yu (Evodia Fruit), Bi Bo (Fructus Piperis Longi), Bi Cheng Qie (Cubeb Fruit), Wu Yao (Lindera Root), Ding Xiang (Clove Flower Bud), Xiao Hui Xiang (Fennel Seed), Hua Jiao (Pericarpium Zanthoxyli Bungeani), Hu Jiao (Black Pepper), Bai Zhi (Angelica Root), Tan Xiang (Sandalwood), Cao Dou Kou (Katsumadai).
2. Deficient cold of spleen and stomach
Huang Qi (Astragalus Root), Gan Jiang (Dried Ginger Root), Gui Zhi (Cinnamon Twig), Bai Shao (White Peony Root), Yi Zhi Ren (Black Cardamon), Wu Tou (Radix Aconiti Carmichaeli), Fu Zi (Prepared Aconite Root), Rou Gui (Dried Cinnamon Bark), Feng Mi (Honey), Yi Tang (barley malt sugar).
Mind you, the diagnosis for abdominal bloating and pain should concentrate upon the pathogenesis, position, and property to define the afflicted zang-fu viscera, Qifen or Xuefen, and cold-heat-deficiency-excess pattern. TCM holds the view that aches won't occur during smooth running of Qi and blood, and vice versa. So the prime task is to choose different suitable therapeutic principles for the connecting purpose, purging through in excess, tonifying through in deficiency, heating through in cold, cooling through in heat, regulating through in Qi stagnation, and removing through in blood stasis.
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Improving egg health naturally by increased blood flow

In the past few decades, as women have taken a bolder step forward into the marketplace, marrying and having a family has been pushed back as careers have moved front-and-center. Today in some western countries about 20 percent of women have their first baby after age 35. Regrettably, as women get older, infertility increases with and about 33 percent of women over the age of 35 have fertility issues. Health problems and biological challenges are more likely to interfere with ovulation and affect fertility.
One of the primary risks of infertility, particularly for older women, is the quantity and quality of her eggs. Infertility risks increase with age as the reserve of eggs in the ovaries diminishes and the quality of the eggs also declines, especially when a woman reaches her late 30s and early 40s. Abnormal chromosomes are more likely to develop, lessening the chance of conception and increasing the chance of miscarriage. Statistically, at least half of all miscarriages are due to abnormal chromosomes. One of the ways to overcome the effects of aging on fertility is through the use of IVF. Some women have to use donor eggs or opt for embryo donation.
What Affects Egg Health and Ovulation?
Although the common belief has been that the sole factor determining ovarian health, and subsequently egg health, was age, new research has shown that information is not necessarily true. There are many things that have an impact upon the health of the ovaries and eggs, including environmental factors, hormones and stress.
improving egg health naturally by increased blood flow
Additionally, healthy fertility has many components to it and it is possible to produce healthier eggs by enhancing these factors:
· Proper circulation
· Healthy fertility cycle (ovulation)
· Balanced hormones
· Healthy eggs
There is a considerable window of time available to impact the quality of the eggs that will be ready for ovulation. It takes 90 days for the egg to be prepared prior to ovulation. During this period of time there are specific factors that affect the eggs: blood flow; proper oxygenation; hormonal balance; nutritional intake; stress.
Improving Egg Health by Increased Blood Flow
It is important to the health of the eggs that oxygen rich blood flows to the ovaries. Lack of exercise, dehydration and thick blood all circumvent the flow of blood to nourish the ovaries and benefit the eggs.
Some of the ways to increase blood flow include:
· Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of pure water daily to thin out blood that may have become thick through dehydration.
· Exercise regularly, whether it is walking, running, dancing or yoga. Exercise increase blood flow in the body, carrying fresh, oxygenated blood to the organs.
· Learn self-fertility massage, a type of massage that stimulates the ovaries and uterus bringing in fresh blood and moving out stagnant blood.
· Deep breathing, done properly, brings fresh oxygen into the lungs and increases circulation of oxygenated blood.
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Aromatherapy helps improve your chances of conceiving

Aromatherapy can help increase your odds of getting pregnant. Aromatherapy has been used for years for its numerous benefits. Some benefits include improving your chances of conceiving, by increasing your and reducing stress. When trying to conceive, aromatherapy can prove beneficial in two ways. Firstly, it can help regulate your menstrual cycle and strengthen your reproductive system.
And secondly, aromatherapy can relieve the stress caused by trying to get pregnant, work, and other daily activities. One fun fact to note with aromatherapy is that it can work as a getting pregnant aphrodisiac for you and your partner. Before discussing the techniques of aromatherapy, let's take a look at what is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses scents to treat discomforts, such as mild pain, tension and stress.
Aromatherapy is normally used at homes, clinics and hospital for variety of purposes, such as aiding in conception, soothing labor pain, reducing the pain caused by the side effects of chemotherapy in cancer, cardiac and rehabilitation patients.
aromatherapy helps improve your chances of conceiving
What Are Essentials Oils?
Botanical oils such as rose, lavender, peppermint and lemon are normally used in aromatherapy. These scents, when inhaled, stimulate the olfactory nerves, which in turn massages the brain and the nervous system and alleviates pain, anxiety, and depression. The majority of the oils used in aromatherapy are extracted from plants, trees, fruits, and flowers. In total, about 150 essential oils are available for use, each containing their own therapeutic and antiseptic properties. It's important to note synthetic oils do not work for the purpose of aromatherapy. In order to get the most out of aromatherapy the essential oils, should be natural, pure and raw.
Aromatherapy Techniques
Due to the concentrated nature of essential oils, you should avoid applying it directly on your skin.
Instead try the following methods:
Massage: dilute the essential oil in a base like grape seed oil or almond oil and use it during massages. Massages are a great getting pregnant aphrodisiac and a way to relax and have fun.
Oil Burner: place 3 to 4 drops of essential oils in candle-heated container holding water. Allow the aromas to infiltrate the air and work its magic.
Baths: 5 to 10 drops of essential oil to a warm bath. If you're sensitive to essential oils try diluting it in some base before adding it to your bath. Baths with essential oils are a refreshing way to lower your stress and anxiety.
What Essential Oils Improve Fertility?
The following essential oils are known to be the most beneficial to the reproductive system of women trying to conceive:
Rose: experts recommend rose while trying to get pregnant to regulate the reproductive system.
Geranium: is a soothing oil that's said to contain estrogenic properties that treat hormonal imbalances. Geranium can be combined with rose nicely.
Melissa (also known as Balm): helps soothe menstrual irregularities, and can improve your overall mood with its relaxing properties.
Chamomile: is very soothing, and works well to relieve pain associated with menstrual problems.
Relaxing Oils: these include jasmine and lavender and other oils that work to increase your libido and calm your nerves.
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Some of the home remedies to lighten the dark feet

Dark feet are a condition in which the skin around the feet, especially in the toes, turns darker in an abnormal way. Humans get their skin color from cells called melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, and this, in turn, imparts color to all the parts of the human body. However, when the cells produce too much melanin, the skin becomes hyper pigmented. This may be one of the causes of dark skin in the feet.
some of the home remedies to lighten the dark feet
Dark feet
Footwear can also cause dark feet. Shoes induce friction in the feet, which may lead to skin color change of that particular region. Dryness in the feet also results in darkening of the skin. Among the other causes are exposure to harsh sun rays, extreme weather conditions, pollution and medical conditions such as poor blood circulation, fungus infections, and diabetes. In case you have dark feet, consult your dermatologist without delay in order to know the exact cause.
Some of the symptoms that patients with dark feet may experience are tingling or any type of unusual sensation in the feet, pain or discomfort in the feet after activity, numbness in feet, and feeling of fatigue. The above signs and symptoms attribute to different underlying medical conditions of dark feet. Checking the symptoms effectively on time can help in identifying the right cause of the abnormal skin coloration. A dermatologist can suggest the appropriate methods or medications in order to lighten the skin of the feet.
Some of the home remedies to lighten the dark feet are as follows:
Always keep your feet moisturized. Make use of a good quality moisturizer.
Apply a mixture of sandalwood powder, tomato, lemon, and cucumber juice to the specific area of your feet regularly.
Apply potato juice before bath.
Apply a mixture of honey and lemon juice to the affected area.
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Using dried herbs as natural remedy will help with dry scalp

1) Milk Honey Oil
Here is a good home remedy treatment for dry scalp sufferers; take a half cup of milk, two teaspoons of honey, and a half cup of extra virgin oil and mix them together. Apply the mixture to your scalp and leave it for two hours. After it has been two hours wash your hair out with moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. You should also mix one cup of curd with your shampoo to help keep your scalp moisturized.
2) Coconut Oil Dry Scalp Home Treatment Remedy
A good home remedy treatment for moisturizing your dry scalp is by using coconut oil in your hair. You should also make sure that you get enough of vitamin E and omega 3 in your diet. You can use a supplement to get these. This will help with your dry scalp problem.
using dried herbs as natural remedy will help with dry scalp
3) Vinegar Home Remedy Treatment for Dry Scalp
Using vinegar for dry scalp is a great home treatment remedy that is cost effective. Vinegar will help rebalance pH levels that washing and styling unbalance. It’s very simple, just massage some vinegar into your hair and let it set for thirty minutes and then rinse.

4) Herbs as Dry Scalp Home Treatment Natural Remedy
Using dried herbs such as thyme, stinging nettle, yarrow, comfrey, calendula, rosemary, red clover, and other will help with dry scalp. For this all you have to do is fill a jar with one of these herbs and then poor white wine vinegar of apple cider into the jar. Once the jar has filled, place the lid on tightly and place it in a warm place. Let the jar sit for 5 weeks in that warm place before using it. After it has set drain the jar by using a piece of cheese cloth, then add one cup of water and ten drops of olive oil to it. You should use this as a vinegar rinse after showering each time.

5) Yogurt as Dry Scalp Home Remedy
Massaging yogurt onto your scalp is a remedy that works well at getting rid of dry scalp. Just massage the yogurt into your hair and make sure it covers your scalp as much as possible. Then let the yogurt sit for fifteen minutes and rinse it out.

6) Egg Yogurt Natural Dry Scalp Home Remedy
You can take an egg and mix it in with some yogurt and apply it to your scalp for fifteen minutes and then rinse it out with lukewarm water. This home remedy is sure to work on your dry scalp immediately.

7) Vitamin B Oil Dry Scalp Natural Remedy
Vitamin B oil tends to be a remedy that works well, just apply it to your head, but don’t rinse. This will work great at moisturizing your scalp.
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