
How to prevent acute enteritis

1) Pay attention to the hygiene and install the window screen in the room; stamp out the fly and the cockroach. 
2) Pay attention to the dietary hygiene and avoid eating cold and impurity food; eat moderate garlic while taking meals; eat less fatty, spicy, irritating food and have a bland diet; take more gruels and soups during the attack period; avoid cold drinks and food.

3) Take warm boiled water at dawn, 5 to 7 pm and half or an hour before sleeping.
4) Avoid bringing the children to the public places.

5) Pay attention to the cleaning and safety of the eating implement for the children.
6) Insulate the patients and deal with their excretion carefully. 
7)Pay attention to the personal hygiene and health education; for the people who take care the children, they should wash the hands frequently especially after they change the diapers or contact the children’s excretion that would be helpful to prevent the children from the bacterial infection.
8) Pay attention to have a good rest and increase the nutrition, eat more digestible food; keep a diet to promote the absorptive function of the spleen and stomach.
9) Strength the exercise and enrich the constitution to prevent the spleen from the pathogenic factors.
10) Keep a smooth mood and the balance of the stomach and intestine function.

