
Diet can play a huge role in containing some symptoms of asthma

Asthma is a respiratory disease which usually originates as an allergy to airborne particles. Though there are several different causes of asthma, some of which are genetic in nature, the damage sustained by the lungs due to this disorder, is not reversible. Therefore, asthma is a condition which cannot be treated. However, though asthma cannot be cured, it is a disease which does not take a lot of lives. This is because the symptoms of asthma, though painful even when they are mild, can be controlled by the right kind of diet. There are several natural therapies that claim to be able to cure asthma. However, there is not enough scientific data to back these claims. However, recent findings do suggest that diet can, in fact, play a huge role in containing some of the symptoms experienced by those suffering from asthma.

It has been seen that foods which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids can help repair the damage of the lungs to some extent. Omega 3 fatty acids are contained in fish oils and can be obtained from consuming fish like mackerel, salmon, and cod. The oil from these fish helps decrease the inflammation present in the lungs, easing the passageways so that air can pass through them with less obstruction. Due to the decrease in the inflammation of the airways a larger volume of air can be inhaled into the lungs. Doctors believe that a healthy and balanced diet with adequate quantities of proteins is ideal for making the body strong enough to resist allergic attacks. Apart from proteins, it is also important for you to consume a daily dietary intake of magnesium, calcium, and vitamins E and C, all of which help in boosting the immune system.
Strengthening the immune system is the primary way to help the body defend itself from asthma attacks. There are some theories which center around the use of bee products for the cure of asthma, however, bee products are known to trigger complicated allergies. Also, there is not much research which supports the use of bee products like bee venom or royal jelly for curing asthma. Apart from the diet, another thing that is important for keeping the symptoms of asthma under check is rest. The human body requires plenty of rest in order to get adequate strength. Stress is known to be the commonest trigger of asthma and, therefore, it is important to keep the stress to a minimum.


Some great ideas on how to cut calories from your daily diet

If you are trying to lose weight, apart from following an exercise program, it is also important to reduce your daily intake of calories, so that you burn more calories than you consume. You need to burn 3,500 calories in order to lose one pound. Therefore, you can easily lose a pound in two weeks, by cutting down 200 - 250 calories a day. Given below are some great ideas on how to cut calories from your daily diet:
It is important to drink at least 12 to 16 glasses of water a day. This will help in keeping you full for a longer period of time. Drinking a lot of water and losing weight go hand in hand. You should also replace sodas, juices and other beverages with water. One cup of orange juice contains approximately 110 calories. It is much better to eat a medium orange in that case, which contains only 60 calories.

In case you are used to consuming dairy products like milk, cheese, and the likes, go in for the skimmed variety. You will still be able to drink your morning coffee with milk, but it will be lighter and will help you cut down by about 20 calories. By replacing 2 tablespoons of regular cream cheese with light cream cheese, you could cut down on 40 calories.
Replace mayonnaise in sandwiches, with mustard, which is less fattening, but adds taste and flavor to sandwiches, still keeping them lighter and healthier. Alternatively, you could also choose low fat mayonnaise, which could help you save 50 calories per spoon.
Meat lovers do not have to give up meat when they are on a diet, as it contains a lot of protein. However, while you can still have a burger occasionally, eliminate the order of French fries with it and choose a healthy salad instead. Also, by replacing regular bacon, (250 calories in two slices), with Canadian bacon (90 calories in two slices), you can still enjoy your meat and save yourself 160 calories.
Fresh fruit is one of the healthiest choices for weight watchers, as it is low in calories, nutritious and can satisfy sweet cravings. Instead of going in for fruit-flavored low-fat yogurt (230 calories), try a cup of plain low fat yogurt and add some chopped fresh fruit to it (180 calories).
Cut down on your consumption of salt and sauces and season your food with herbs instead. Replacing a tablespoon of butter in your food with herbs can help you save 100 calories.
Chocoholics, do not need to stay away from their favorite food, but should choose carefully. A regular bar of chocolate contains 225 calories. However a cup of chocolate milk has only 160 calories and fat-free chocolate pudding contains 85 calories.


Herbal sleep remedies, insomnia natural home remedies

Sleeplessness is a problem that can affect anyone - whether adult or child and at any time. Long periods of sleep deprivation in turn can lead to several other health problems and issues such as lack of concentration, low energy levels, and mood swings. While many people resort to sleeping aids such as sleeping pills and prescription medication to get a good night's rest, this is not always the best option.
Medicines as sleeping aids result in a number of side effects such as drug intolerance, drowsiness, and withdrawal symptoms in the body and some may even worsen the condition in the long run. It is better therefore to try out natural sleeping aids or herbal remedies for sleep. This is especially true if you are pregnant or in cases of children with sleeping problems.
The term called insomnia literally means a complete lack of sleep. It is used to show a relative inability on the part of a person to sleep which consists of a difficulty in falling asleep, or a difficulty in staying asleep, or an early final awakening, or any of the combinations among these complaints. This disease also has assumed huge proportions among present times. This is a condition present especially among the present day upper class people of the urban set-up. Some of the current symptoms of insomnia include emotional instability and lack of sleep. The main sign of this condition include difficulty in a person falling asleep. The problems that can happen include lapses in memory, changes in a person's quality of sleep and their sleeping patterns, and also lack of concentration in a person during the course of a day. Other signs of insomnia are confusion, loss of coordination and emotional instability. Some of the causes of insomnia are listed as anxiety, tension and stress. Experts agree that the best herbal sleep remedies include:
Passionflower - This is one of the best herbs for sleep as it naturally reduces anxiety and helps fight insomnia. Passionflower can be had in the form of a tea, as an extract or in tincture form. Drinking a cup of passionflower tea before bed has been proven to help with mild cases of Insomnia.
White Willow Bark - This herb is successfully used as a natural sleep aid and is a popular remedy for sleep deprivation.
Chamomile - Chamomile has been used to treat insomnia since ancient times. The herb has anti-spasmodic properties that help relax the muscles and induce sleep. Another advantage of chamomile is that the effects are more or less instantaneous.
Valerian Root - Valerian root is a medicinal herb that helps slow down and overactive mind and calms down a tense body. Used as a natural sedative, Valerian root can also reduce stress, muscle cramps, and hysteria.
Kava Kava - Taking a regular dose of Kava Kava supplements can help reduce anxiety and work as an herbal remedy for sleep. However, there are some widely known side effects such as liver damage associated with over dosage of this herb. It is therefore recommended that you consume this only with prior recommendation from your doctor.
Ginseng - Ginseng is widely considered as one of the best herbal sleep aids. Apart from being used as a stimulant and aphrodisiac, ginseng can also induce relaxation and sleep by working as a mild sedative. However, pregnant women and children with sleep problems should avoid using Ginseng as it can cause complications and serious side effects.
Lemon Balm - Lemon balm is a popular herbal remedy for sleeplessness in children. It is safe and has mild relaxing properties and can also reduce problems such as indigestion and bloating.

Protein, the most important food component to build muscles

It is believed that for those who are looking to build their bodies, protein is the most important food component and should be included in almost all diets. Since our skin and muscles are all made of protein, it is only logical to include more of protein in your diet if you are looking to increase your muscles. Body builders are advised to consume large portions of proteins in their diet. In fact, people who are involved in heavy manual labor work should also consume good amounts of protein. When you are lifting heavy objects and are involved in other rigorous work professionally, proteins should be the major component of your meals.
There are many foods which can give you good amounts of protein. However, some foods give you larger amounts of protein than others. Eggs, for instance are considered to contain the largest amount of proteins. In fact eggs are not only known for their protein value but are also a source of Omega 3 fatty acids. It is now a common practice for egg producers to introduce vitamin E and flaxseed oil to the feed of their hens.
For those who are vegetarians, legumes are great alternatives to eggs. Legumes not only give you a good amount of energy, but are also a rich source of fibers. The proteins help in muscle building, whereas the soluble fibres control the blood glucose levels. Some other vegetarian options are garlic and onions. These allium vegetables have rich quantities of antioxidants. These antioxidants combat cancer causing free oxygen radicals and also slow down the ageing process.
Mollusks are high protein foods which are also low in fat content. Mollusks are also rich in mineral content and antioxidants. They help boost the immunity along with protecting the body from free radicals. Nuts, oilseeds, and whole grains are other rich sources of proteins. They contain unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, minerals, and vitamins like vitamin E. Some of the nuts which should definitely be included in everyone's diet are almonds, pistachios, cashew nuts, and peanuts. Apart from these, sunflower seeds are also rich sources of fats and proteins.
Whole grains give you energy to sustain heavy workouts. They are also rich in fiber and proteins. Brown rice, oats, and barley are some of the whole cereals that you can consume. Apart from these, tomatoes and salmon are also considered good foods for body builders. Fish oils are known to be rich sources of Omega 3 fatty acids which help control cholesterol. Tomatoes, on the other hand, are great antioxidants and are rich in micro nutrients.


Dietary obsessions that cause unhealthy weight loss

The last few decades have seen a drastic rise in the number of obesity cases worldwide. As a result of this, there is a corresponding increase in the awareness of the risks that these conditions pose. In addition to this, thinness has become a measure of beauty. There are many individuals who are so affected by these ideas that they strive for complete perfection and become obsessed with the food they eat and the diet they follow. This obsession with food can have very serious consequences as the problem escalates and the diet become more and more restrictive.

1) Dietary Obsessions that Cause Unhealthy Weight Loss
The most well known health conditions associated with excessively strict dietary measures are Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. Anorexia nervosa causes the individual to severely restrict their food intake so as to literally starve themselves - in severe cases - even to death! People with this condition often have a distorted self image and perceive themselves as being extremely fat even if they are severely emaciated. A person with bulimia will seesaw between bingeing and purging. This condition can cause malnutrition and a high risk of gastrointestinal and esophageal conditions. Anorexia nervosa has been linked to various endocrine disorders and can cause stunted growth. In addition to this, poor circulation and nerve deterioration can cause the individual to suffer from partial loss of leg movement which in turn leads to reduced mobility. Bulimia poses an increased risk of esophageal cancer, peptic ulcers and hypokalemia.

2) Obsessive Conditions Related to Weight Gain
Binge eating and compulsive overeating, on the other hand, result in immense weight gain. People who indulge in binge eating tend to eat large amounts of food according to their current mental state. In most cases, a certain emotion acts as a trigger for bingeing and so every time the individual experiences that emotion they tend to binge. On the other hand, compulsive overeating is a regular habit and is part of the individual's daily routine. This type of eating is often caused by deep emotional scars. Attempts to change their diet for the better can cause deep depression in the individual. Binge eating and compulsive overeating can cause cholesterol and heart problems, hypertension and in the long term can cause bone degeneration and major depression.

3) Related to Healthy Eating
Orthorexia nervosa is one of the newest dietary conditions and is characterized by an excessive focus on eating healthy foods. This focus becomes an unwavering fixation and the person starts to severely restrict their diet in order to remain "healthy". This condition is not an official medical diagnosis as yet but as the number of cases is increasing, many practitioners are using it as a diagnosis. The increase in the number of people suffering from this condition is thought to be linked to the growing craze for healthy foods and restrictive eating. Orthorexia nervosa is a cause for concern as it can cause extreme malnutrition and has been known to be fatal. One of the first symptoms of any dietary obsession is an unhealthy focus on food. This would mean that the person would plan their meals well in advance and are unable to break away from their dietary plan - even if circumstances demand it. A person suffering from an eating obsession will need psychiatric help to overcome this obsession and they can go on to lead a perfectly normal healthy life.


Easy to find foods that are low sodium or low salt

Sodium is a mineral that is part of salt. It is an integral part of the human diet as we use salt as a seasoning for most food that is consumed. The salt, and therefore sodium intake of a typical human diet is more than necessary, which is why salt is passed out through urine. This also explains the salty nature of urine. Sodium is essential in the regulation of body fluids. Low levels of sodium prompt the body to retain fluids while the opposite is the case when sodium levels are higher. Sodium is also essential in the maintenance of the electrical balance in the body as it conducts electricity. Hyponatremia is a condition that affects people who suffer from an electrolyte deficiency. This can occur during illness when diarrhea or vomiting removes too much sodium from the body. Thus, when treating a patient of Diarrhea, electrolytes are recommended to help return the body to a proper electrical balance.12-low-sodium-diet
Some people have also their blood pressure linked to salt consumption and in such people, low salt diets are recommended. However, it is recommended, as explained above, to maintain a balance of sodium intake which will ensure the healthy functioning of body systems. Your doctor may recommend low sodium diet if it is found, during testing, that you are consuming too much sodium in your meals.
Sodium awareness is growing worldwide and it is now easy to find foods that are low sodium or low salt. When cooking, you can simply reduce the number of times you throw in a pinch of salt into your meal. While it may not be as palatable as with salt, low salt may help improve your health. The following foods are good for a low sodium diet. You can consume fresh fish, poultry and lean meat. Ham, bacon and hot dogs should be avoided. Vegetables that are recommended for low sodium content include all leafy green vegetables and nearly every other type of vegetable. Vegetables provide vital vitamins to you. Vegetables to avoid include canned or frozen vegetables. These are usually seasoned in salt to prevent them from being infected by bacteria or fungus. Dairy products, particularly cheeses, tend to be high in sodium and should be regulated. You can choose breakfast cereals over bread but make sure you read the label and consume low sodium breakfast cereals. You can also have some success by avoiding the use of salt while boiling pasta or rice or by reducing the use during this time.
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Some of the most effective anaemia home remedies

Anemia is a very common blood disorder and is related to hemoglobin levels in the blood. It is important to understand the exact role of hemoglobin in order to fully understand this condition. The blood circulating in our bodies contains red blood cells. These red blood cells contain hemoglobin molecules that combine with oxygen to be transported to the various organs and tissues of the body. If your red blood cells have insufficient hemoglobin, they cannot transport the require amounts of oxygen to the rest of the body. As your body is starved of the oxygen it requires, you become listless and your energy levels decrease. There are several types of anaemia based on the root cause of the problem and so a definite diagnosis is essential. Anaemia can aggravate existing ailments or it can increase your risks of succumbing to a variety of illnesses. Anaemia can generally be treated and prevented through dietary changes.
1) Remedies for Anemia
Blood tests are necessary to confirm a diagnosis of anaemia. These tests can determine the levels of vitamin B 12, vitamins and minerals, and folic acid in the blood. They can also detect the red blood count and the hemoglobin level as well as the level of iron in the blood. To identify the other medical problems that may be the cause of anaemia there are other tests that may be required. When you consider the numerous causes, the countless types of anaemia and the innumerable treatments for anaemia, you will realize the complexity of this condition. However, there are certain home remedies for anaemia that can be invaluable in the treatment of this condition. These are some of the most effective anaemia home remedies:
Beet juice is one of the best home remedies for anaemia as it rich in a wide variety of nutrients including iron. Have a large glass of fresh, unsweetened beetroot juice every morning to restore your hemoglobin levels.
A short sun bath is a very simple and effective anaemia cure as it increases the production of red blood cells.
Mash a banana that is slightly overripe and add a tablespoon of honey to it. Have this after your dinner to provide your body with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
Fresh tomato juice or even tomato puree is a great home remedy for anaemia as tomatoes are excellent sources of vitamins A, C, and K. Tomatoes are also a good source of iron.
Extract the juice of a large apple and mix it with an equal amount of fresh tomato juice. Drink this mixed juice instead of your morning cup of coffee to prevent or treat anaemia.
In addition to these home remedies, your doctor may recommend iron supplements along with Vitamin B12, folic acid, or multivitamin tablets. Since Vitamin C is a catalyst in the body's intake of iron, oral ingestion of iron supplements should be accompanied with orange juice for maximum benefit. Keep in mind that this condition can become extremely serious if it is neglected and so it is important that you discuss your treatment options with your doctor. A blood transfusion may be essential in cases of continual loss of blood, or when the incidence of anaemia is serious
2) Diet for Anaemia
A sensible well – balanced diet is one of the foremost necessities when dealing with anaemia. The diet of an anemic person will need to address the root cause of the problem as well as promote overall health and wellbeing. These are a few of the foods that should be present in an anaemia diet: Meat (especially poultry), Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt, Cereals, Dried beans, Boiled eggs, Fish, Nuts and seeds.


Chronic sore throat treated with Chinese herbs

A woman receives a throat check. TCM suggest keeping the throat warm, avoiding cold air and spicy food and drinking herbal teas.
In cold, dry weather with polluted air, people frequently feel the need to clear their throats and this may be a sign of Chronic Pharyngitis, chronic inflammation of the throat.
Polluted air, smoking, drinking too much alohol and overusing the voice (a lot of shouting, public speaking or singing) can all cause sore throat, in addition to colds, of course.
TCM suggest keeping the throat warm, avoiding cold air and spicy food and drinking herbal teas. Herbs can help ease discomfort by fighting inflammation and dissolving phlegm, which can block qi or energy.
Sore throat is a problem in cities and more than 80 percent of adults worldwide suffer at some point from throat inflammation, according to the World Health Organizaiton.
But many people know little about chronic sore throat and neglect the problem, which can lead to aggravated symptoms and cause other respiratory ailments, according to Dr Xiangyang, chief physician at Huadong Hospital.
chronic sore throat treated with chinese herbs
Chronic sore throat has various symptoms. Some people have an itchy throat and feel foreign matter, which makes them clear their throat, but they cough up nothing.
Some people may suffer gagging, with sticky phlegm in the throat. Hoarseness and difficulty breathing may also be symptoms.
See a doctor for persistent problems.
Repeated cases of acute sore throught may turn into Chronic Pharynigitis without proper treatment.
Nose problems that require breathing through the mouth can irritate the throat and cause inflammation. People who speak for a living, such as teachers, singers and actors (and some politicians) can also get chronic sore throat.
Traditional Chinese medicine holds that energy deficiency, blood stagnation and phlegm are likely causes of chronic sore throat. Repeated or long-term inflammation usually exhausts healthy energy and body fluids, resulting in "deficiency fire" burning the throad.
Invasive pathogenic wind in cold weather may damage yin (cold) energy in lungs, resulting in dryness and throat damage.
Phlegm can be caused by exposure to polluted air, smoking and drinking too much, and eating much spicy and greasy food. This phlegm gradually invades the throat. Phlegm is of two kinds; visible, which is mucus, and invisible, which is retained in organs. It is considered a pathogenic factor which impedes the flow of energy, or qi.
Bad moods also obstruct smooth blood circulation, causing stagnated blood, which also blocks the throat.
Herbs that nourish yin and lungs, such as maidong (dwarf lily turf root), liquorice, and mulberry leaf are often prescribed to relieve chronic pharyngitis caused by yin deficiency and "ascending fire."
Herbs that help dissolve phlegm such as chuanbei (bulbus fritilariae) and oysters for those sore throats caused by phlegm and blood stagnation.
Though throat lozenges can ease discomfort temporarily, Dr Li suggests not taking too much as it can stimulate the throat, disrupt the environment in the mouth and lead to chronic inflammation.
To prevent winter sore throat, Dr Li suggests dressing warmly, drying the body thoroughly after bathing, and wearing masks when going out to guard against cold air entering the throat.
Cigarettes, alcohol and spicy foods inflame mucus membranes, so reduce intake. Avoid speaking loudly. Click here to learn Acute Pharyngitis in TCM.
Gargling with light salt brine and drinking a cup of light salt brine afterwards can help clean and nourish the throat and prevent inflammation. Some herbal teas like pangdahai (boat sterculia seed) and chrysanthemum can also help.


Sexual disorder home cure, natural remedy for sexual disorder

As the name suggests, Sexual Disorders are those disorders that cause problems or difficulties in any of the phases of sexual activity. Hence, these disorders can be classified as Sexual Desire Disorders, Sexual Arousal Disorders, Orgasm Disorders and Sexual Pain Disorders, depending on the phases they affect.
Sexual Desire Disorder or decreased libido is usually caused by hormonal or psychological problems. Sexual Arousal Disorders include problems like impotence, frigidity and other such problems that cause avoidance of sexual activity.
sexual disorder home cure, natural remedy for sexual disorder
Sexual Pain Disorders include conditions like Vaginismus and Dyspareunia and are mostly caused in females. Orgasm Disorders, on the other hand, can take place in males as well as females. Other Sexual Dysfunctions and Disorders include Gender Identity Disorders, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Paraphilias like, Gerontophiliac, Somnophilia, Urophilia and a host of other disorders.
Natural Home Remedies for Sexual Disorders
1) Soak ten almonds in water overnight. In the morning, remove the skin of the almonds and add a pinch of saffron, ginger, cardamom and a cup of warm milk (cow’s milk). Blend this mixture nicely and drink this homemade medicine regularly in the morning. This is one of the most effective natural home remedies for Sexual Disorders related to decreased libido.
2) Boil some with some raisins mixed in it. Eat the raisins and drink the milk afterwards to reduce and cure Sexual Disorders.
3) Consuming a mixture of milk and drumstick flowers is one of the most successful natural home remedies for Sexual Disorders. To prepare this home remedy, boil 250 ml milk mixed with 10 to 15 grams of drumstick flowers and drink the resultant mixture.
4) Taking a combination of dried dates, almonds, quince seeds and pistachios grinded together serves as a therapeutic natural remedy for male sexual problems by improving libido. Simply eating 100 grams of dry dates on a regular basis is also beneficial in the healing sexual problems.
5) Grind equal amounts of black gram, wheat, rice and long pepper. Fry the powdered mixture in clarified butter and boil it in boil. Have this mixture on a regular basis to get rid of Sexual Disorders related to decreased libido.
6) Herbs like Lepidium Meyenii, Ginko Biloba, Arginine, Kava Kava, Chives, Turnera Diffusa, Damiana and Indian Ginseng are highly beneficial in the treatment of Sexual Disorders. The last two remdies are particularly helpful in reducing female sexual problems.


Eye floaters causes, eye floaters symptoms and treatment

Eye floaters are a very common occurrence and affect almost every individual to some extent or the other. First and foremost, it is important to describe exactly what an eye floater is. When you close your eyes for a short period of time and you suddenly open them, you are likely to see a number of small thread - like objects that appear to be floating around in your line of vision. Rubbing your eyes seems to do nothing to get them out of the way and neither does washing your eyes. These small floating spots are essentially deposits or condensation of the vitreous jelly that is present in the eye. These eye floaters could be present in either a single eye or even both eyes. The floaters are visibly prominent primarily because of the light that passes through the vitreous humor in order to aid vision.
This vitreous humor is usually absolutely clear at birth and the deposits are known to develop gradually over a period of time. Eye floaters always tend to appear darker than the background and will usually not show in darkness or when the eyes are closed. Although eye floaters can be an irritation from time to time, they are generally not substantially harmful and are unlikely to cause any significant complications to a person. Although, once in a while, which is very rare, some patients may begin to experience a sudden rise in the amount of eye floaters present. This would be accompanied with an increase in the intensity of the obstruction where it becomes very prominent and is clearly visible all the time - thereby significantly affecting an individual's vision. This could then become a cause for concern.
Treatment will substantially depend on the intensity of the obstruction of vision offered by these deposits, although with time, the eye floaters will usually decrease in size and darkness. This occurrence can be attributed to the absorption of the floater as a result of the natural processes within the eye. However, it is important that the patient visits a licensed doctor. The patient may want to undergo a few medical tests and confirm that the development of a number of eye floaters is not, in any way, linked to any underlying medical condition such as Diabetes or even an injury or trauma. Studies have also shown that the development of eye floaters can also be easily contained and even treated to a certain extent with the help of good and healthy nutrition. Omega 3 fatty oils are known to have a number of healing properties that act directly on the eye because of their rich hemp oil, nutrients and fatty acid content.


Acupuncture and acupressure used to relieve pain

Pain can be extremely debilitating and can hamper the simplest day-to-day activities. Chronic pain can be extremely persistent and long allopathic treatments are generally discouraged due to the side effects of these treatments. The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study which stated that about two-thirds of the world uses alternative or complementary therapies. It also stated that in America itself, 40% of all Americans use these therapies. There are several natural remedies that can be used either as a part of complimentary or alternative medicine.

1. Herbal and Natural Remedies
There are several chemicals present in certain herbs and plants that are useful in relieving and controlling pain. Capsaicin is an active compound in chili peppers and helps to reduce pain when used topically. It is now the active ingredient in various topical creams for pain management. Using these creams regularly depletes the neurotransmitters within the neurons and leads to a long- term reduction in pain. Pineapples contain Bromelain which is an anti-inflammatory agent and is therefore used to treat pain caused by swelling. This enzyme is also available in tablet form and is often used to provide relief from sinusitis, trauma and injuries and arthritis. Fish oil too has been tested for its effectiveness in pain management and studies have shown that it is very effective in reducing pain and inflammation. In addition to these remedies, there are several others like Ginger, Aquamin, Arnica, Glucosamine sulfate, and Boswellia that are also effective in treating various types of pains and aches. However, it is important that you speak to your doctor before you take any type of medications.

2. Acupuncture and Acupressure
This type of therapy stimulates various points on the body to promote healing. While acupressure is the application of pressure to various points on the body, in acupuncture, the specialist pierces the skin with extremely fine needles. The pain from the needle is not even a fraction of the pain experienced with an injection as the needles are a lot finer. A more modern form of this therapy includes electro-acupuncture which combines the piercing with electrical stimulation. Acupuncture has been observed to be particularly helpful in alleviating pain. It is generally used to treat musculoskeletal pain problems - both acute and chronic. It can be used to alleviate the discomfort and pain of problems such as muscle spasms, sprains, Sciatica, Migraine and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


Bilberry has been used to treat various health problems

Over centuries bilberry has been used for its medicinal purposes. Similar to blueberries and cranberries, bilberry also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant qualities. This fruit is used for its astringent, tonic and antiseptic properties which can treat various health problems like Diarrhea, dysentery, Hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal inflammation. The most important use for bilberry has been the treatment of various eye disorders and improvement of capillary health. Bilberry has been very effective in improving night vision. Being a close relative of blueberry, it contains high levels of natural antioxidant compound. These antioxidants prevent free radicals from causing any damage to the eye. It also strengthens the small blood vessels that carry oxygen to the eyes. Bilberry is high in flavonoids known as Anthocyanosides, that quickens the regeneration of Rhodospin, a purple pigment used as rods in the eye for night vision. It is also useful in treating macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cataract. One study has shown that combination of bilberry extracts and vitamin E reduces the progression of cataract.
Studies have shown that supplementation with bilberry improves eye adaptation to darkness for people with poor vision. It does not work with people having good vision though. Bilberry extracts are known to improve the functional ability of eyes and other organs. It is also useful in treating bruising, general subcutaneous bleeding, and easing inflammation that occurs in Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gum disease. Bilberry leaves can be used to treat diabetes due to its hypoglycemic properties. It can be used as a topical treatment in the form of infusion or decoctions, like tea or liquid extracts for eyes and mouth inflammation, skin infections and burns. It is known to treat chronic venous insufficiency, Varicose Veins, pain, itching, and skin ulcers in the legs. It may also prove be effective in treating Raynaud’s disease. It can be useful in treating atherosclerosis as it strengthens artery walls and promotes good circulation. Eating bilberry mixed with honey is a popular home remedy for diarrhea. It is also very effective in curing and treating Peptic Ulcers, fibrocystic breast disease and painful menstruation. It is available in tincture as well as capsule form. And fresh bilberries are always there to be plucked.
To reduce cataract, macular degeneration and other eye problems take 80-160 mg of standardized extract or 1/2 teaspoon liquid extract two or three times a day. For diabetic retinopathy take 80- 160 mg (standardized to 23-37% anthocyanosides) at least three times a day To treat varicose veins consume 80-160 mg standardized extract three times a day. For sore throat and diarrhea make bilberry tea by pouring 1 cup hot water in 1 or 2 tablespoons of dried whole berries (or 2 to 3 teaspoons of finely crushed berries). Strain and drink at least 4 cups a day.In some individuals consumption of bilberry internally may interfere with iron absorption. Lactating and pregnant women should avoid it, completely.


Some suggested natural home remedies for lipoma

Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways. It is an inflammatory disease that leads to a variety of symptoms. The causes of asthma may vary from one individual to another. The main cause of the inflammation is exposure to asthma triggers. The airways fill with mucus and become narrow and inflamed when they come into contact with such triggers. When an individual experiences an asthma attack, the mucus membranes swell and become inflamed. There are also spasms in the muscles of the airways. The increased production of mucus makes the airways narrow and this leads to difficulty in breathing. Symptoms such as coughing and wheezing also occur as the body reacts to the irritants present in the airways and tries to eliminate them through the mucus.
some suggested natural home remedies for lipoma
Remedies for Asthma
Honey is one of the most common home remedies for asthma. It is said that if a jug of honey is held under the nose of an asthma patient and he inhales the air that comes into contact with it, he starts breathing easier and deeper.
The most important step in controlling your asthma is to reduce exposure to allergens and triggers. Here are some helpful tips:
-- The pollen count is high during certain seasons and this is when you are most prone to asthma attacks. Therefore keep your windows shut during these times. You can also use air conditioning to restrict the entry of pollen.
-- An air conditioner will also help to reduce humidity and will protect you from exposure to dust mites.
-- Make sure that you have your air conditioner cleaned regularly and have the filters changed.
-- Dust can worsen asthma symptoms especially at night. Use dust-proof covers on your pillows and mattresses. Carpets can collect a great deal of dust and therefore it is advisable to opt for linoleum flooring instead. Also ensure that you wash your curtains regularly to get rid of dust.
-- Use a dehumidifier if you live in regions with damp weather
-- Avoid exposure to animals if you are allergic to animal dander. If you have pets, ensure that they are groomed well and bathed regularly.
-- Protect your nose and mouth with a mask while cleaning or dusting the home
-- Cold air can worsen asthma symptom and may even bring on an episode. Therefore it is advisable to cover your face when stepping out.

Foot pain natural treatment, foot pain home remedies

Foot pain is believed to be the most common ailment found in almost every person. People of all age groups are seen with some kind of foot pain at some point in their life. It is quite commonly seen in people who are above the age of 60. As you age, the bones in the body start getting weak and the legs cannot hold the body weight anymore. Other causes of foot pain include improper shoe size, rigorous physical activity, sports, injury and various other reasons.
Relieving Foot Pain Naturally
The natural treatment for foot pain is to soak the feet in a bucket of warm water for at least 15 minutes. The warm water will soothe the leg muscles and help in expanding again. Follow this method at least three times in a day. Due to rigorous physical activity, the muscles in the leg tend to contract. It is very important to expand the leg muscles again as it may cause further leg problems. Another remedy for foot pain is to give a hot and cold treatment. Apply a heat pad and an ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes each. This is considered to be one of the most effective foot pain remedies. Whenever your feet tend to sweat, wash and dry them as quickly as possible. Wash the feet with an antiseptic soap and rinse thoroughly. Dry the feet with a soft dry cloth. The reason to follow this method is because germs and bacteria generate in moist situations. If you do not follow this method, you may suffer from various foot problems.
foot pain natural treatment, foot pain home remedies
Apart from the remedies, there are a few measures which you can apply in order to reduce or prevent foot pain. Since improper footwear is a common problem, it is advisable to buy shoes one size bigger so that the feet can fit properly and have an extra space to breathe. Lack of healthy diet is also considered to be one of the major causes of foot pain. It is very important to consume a healthy diet so that the feet become immune to pain. Fresh green vegetables, fresh fruits, meat, eggs, fish and milk products are some of the most essential food products which should be consumed on a daily basis. In case the foot pain occurs due to sports, it is recommended to use proper safety gear which will not cause any kind of injuries. In case you sit or stand for long hours, the muscles in the leg contract. In order to expand them, there are various stretching exercises for the leg which you can conduct on a daily basis. Stretch your legs half way in the way simultaneously and hold it for five seconds each. This exercise can be done while sitting at home or work. These are some of the best treatments for foot pain.