Sodium is a mineral that is part of salt. It is an integral part of the human diet as we use salt as a seasoning for most food that is consumed. The salt, and therefore sodium intake of a typical human diet is more than necessary, which is why salt is passed out through urine. This also explains the salty nature of urine. Sodium is essential in the regulation of body fluids. Low levels of sodium prompt the body to retain fluids while the opposite is the case when sodium levels are higher. Sodium is also essential in the maintenance of the electrical balance in the body as it conducts electricity. Hyponatremia is a condition that affects people who suffer from an electrolyte deficiency. This can occur during illness when diarrhea or vomiting removes too much sodium from the body. Thus, when treating a patient of Diarrhea, electrolytes are recommended to help return the body to a proper electrical balance.

Some people have also their blood pressure linked to salt consumption and in such people, low salt diets are recommended. However, it is recommended, as explained above, to maintain a balance of sodium intake which will ensure the healthy functioning of body systems. Your doctor may recommend low sodium diet if it is found, during testing, that you are consuming too much sodium in your meals.
Sodium awareness is growing worldwide and it is now easy to find foods that are low sodium or low salt. When cooking, you can simply reduce the number of times you throw in a pinch of salt into your meal. While it may not be as palatable as with salt, low salt may help improve your health. The following foods are good for a low sodium diet. You can consume fresh fish, poultry and lean meat. Ham, bacon and hot dogs should be avoided. Vegetables that are recommended for low sodium content include all leafy green vegetables and nearly every other type of vegetable. Vegetables provide vital vitamins to you. Vegetables to avoid include canned or frozen vegetables. These are usually seasoned in salt to prevent them from being infected by bacteria or fungus. Dairy products, particularly cheeses, tend to be high in sodium and should be regulated. You can choose breakfast cereals over bread but make sure you read the label and consume low sodium breakfast cereals. You can also have some success by avoiding the use of salt while boiling pasta or rice or by reducing the use during this time.
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