1. Honey water for Gastritis Treatment The patient of superficial gastritis generally suffers from what
Chinese traditional medicine describes as excessive internal heat with such symptoms as constipation, conjunctivitis, and inflammation of the nasal and oral cavities.

A person who has contracted superficial gastritis may get rid of this gastritis disease by persisting in drinking honey water. The method is very simple. It consists in drinking a certain quantity of honey water on an empty stomach every day in the morning. The quantity may be one glass or two glasses as one likes. Boiled water may be poured on the honey. Then one should have activities for an hour or more before taking breakfast. If one who has gastritis persists in doing so he will never have excessive internal heat of
chronic gastritis and will regularly have a bowel movement a day.
2. Three "white substances" for chronic gastritis treatment
A folk prescription for curing chronic gastritis says that only three substance are needed for this purpose, namely white powdered sugar, white liquor (usually distilled from sorghum or maize), and the whites of hen’s eggs. A patient need only take 50 grams of white powdered sugar, 40 grams of white liquor and whites of 2 hen’s eggs, and mix them together evenly to be baked on gentle fire until no more water remains and the mixture becomes apricot in color but does not resemble a paste. This is one dose, to be taken an hour before lunch. Similar doses should be prepared and administered consecutively. Generally speaking, use this natural chronic gastritis treatment, gastritis can be cured in 3-5 days.