
Massage involves the rejuvenation of the body and mind

Massage is a rage today; everyone goes in for a massage now and then for de-stressing and relaxation. No wonder, people are trying to introduce new types of massage therapies everyday. Massage therapy involves revitalizing and rejuvenation of the body and mind.
Massage therapy is done by message therapist who has been trained for this treatment before he entered in this profession. There are several massage therapy schools, which teach different types and forms of massage. The massage therapy schools enable the student to become proficient in this form of healing.
massage involves the rejuvenation of the body and mind
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a form of healing as well as art. The body responds to the therapeutic touches of the masseur and enables him to rejuvenate and revitalize body, mind and also skin. There are several different types of massages from all over the world.
There are ayurvedic massages, which agree that these are not whole and sole answer to illnesses but do provide relief and de-toxin the body by removing all the stress and all toxins that have accumulated all over the body and especially in joints, etc. However, ayurvedic massages are in demand all over the world for their benefits.
There are other types of massages with the help of stones, aromatherapy oils, skin rejuvenating packs, etc. all these therapy massages profit mind and body in some way or the other. Massages are a great way to relax your stressed and overworked muscles. Massage by an expert will help you increase concentration and relieve your mind of tension.
Massage therapy has been advised for new born babies, babies are known to put on weight faster and better after they are subjected to therapeutic massages by their mothers at least thrice a week.
Massage owes humble beginning centuries back in Asia, where it was known as a good way to treat aches, pains, feverscough and colds, etc. It was also administered by the then doctors, for the very sick, so that their bodies could be detoxified before beginning of treatment. Throughout Asia, there are different fundamentals used for massage. These differ from region to region. In India, the use of specific oils for different parts of the body is advised, so are different body packs for different types of therapies. In China, massage is synonymous with acupressure.
Undoubtedly, it has been proven that massage is healing and can work like magic to relax and refresh all those who have been stressed out. Nowadays, doctors prescribe massages for terminally ill patients so that effect of antibiotics is reduced and patients can handle medical treatment better when they go through massages. Massages also help bodies absorb liquids and medicines, thus makes medical treatments more effective.

