What Is Mumps?
Mumps is a viral infection of the salivary glands located near the ears.
It's generally considered a childhood illness, so cases of mumps in
post-pubescent girls or boys, or indeed in adults, are quite rare. Having said
that, recent health scares regarding the vaccination against mumps (the MMR
vaccine), have led to increasing numbers of parents refusing to have their kids
vaccinated - meaning that mumps may be enjoying a bit a renaissance among
teenagers and grown-ups.The mumps virus is highly infectious - it can be spread by direct or indirect contact with an infected person. Symptoms usually develop within 15 to 24 days of initial infection and include:
Swelling and pain in the glands in the neck
and around the ears
Difficulty and pain when swallowing
Headaches, pains in the joints, nausea and
vomiting, a high temperature, pain in the lower tummy area, extreme tiredness
and loss of appetite
Mumps Orchitis
grown men, however, a particularly nasty mumps symptom is swelling and pain in
the testes. This is called "mumps orchitis," and is the connection
between mumps and reduced fertility in men. If a man's testicles are going to
swell up while he has mumps (they don't always) it will probably happen 4 to 8
days after the other above-mentioned symptoms begin to present. It may be that
only one testicle is affected. Approximately 20% of adult men who contract
mumps will develop mumps orchitis. The swelling usually goes down within a
week, but the testicles may feel sore for a while after that.