The number one thing both women and men can do (especially women) to enhance fertility is to maintain, or achieve, a healthy body weight. Remember, though, it's not about getting a bikini body, but about maintaining a healthy weight that allows your hormones and body to function smoothly.

2. Try acupuncture
Women often have depleted or constrained
energy that causes blockages, particularly in the pelvis. Bringing the Qi into balance optimizes
the possibility of conception. Additionally, regular acupuncture sessions can
help facilitate blood flow to the reproductive region, regulate hormones and
reduce stress, which can impact a woman’s ability to conceive. Women might want
to "needle" their male partners into trying acupuncture as well:
Research indicates that the practice can increase sperm motility and reduce the
number of abnormal
, upping the chances of conception.
3. Make healthy lifestyle changes
Most of these lifestyle changes are things
you should be doing to improve your overall health anyway. So if you haven't
been able to make the shift in the past, try to focus on the fact that these
unhealthy habits are proven fertility barriers.
starters, if you haven't quit smoking for (the numerous) general health
benefits, then do it NOW. Smoking adds ten years to a women's fertile age, A
25-year-old smoker will have the fertile age of a 35-year-old non-smoker. Quitting
smoking is the number one thing you should do, and try to eliminate all
secondhand smoke as well.