
Tcm Health: What Should I Do If I Have Computer Syndrome?

Tcm Health: What Should I Do If I Have Computer Syndrome?: Computer syndrome  is a painful disorder that affects hands, eyes, wrists and so on. What are computer symptoms? Generally speaking, if y...

What Should I Do If I Have Computer Syndrome?

Computer syndrome is a painful disorder that affects hands, eyes, wrists and so on. What are computer symptoms? Generally speaking, if you feel very tired, your eyes ache, you have pain in the loin area and back while you are operating computer, you are suffering computer symptoms.
Numbness or tingling in your hands, fingers and wrists
Increased pain when moving your hands or wrists
Poor eyesight
Weakness and difficulty gripping objects
Noticeable pain in your wrist, palm or forearm
Increased pain or numbing while trying to sleep

Causes of Computer Syndrome
Repetitive wrist movements, bright display as the computer microwave radiation is typically the main cause of computer symptoms. You may have heard the term Repetitive Strain Injury. This term is used to describe computer symptoms, because it is associated with repetitive hand movements. It can also be caused by awkward hand positions, frequent gripping action, continuous vibration, and continuous stress on the palm of the hand.

Massage and the Treatment of Computer Syndrome
Massage therapy research has shown that massage can often reduce and slow down the progression of computer symptoms. According to research, massage therapy helped to reduce pain, increase grip strength, and reduce computer symptoms for participants who were computer operators or word-processors. So if you are in a high risk group, where repetitive movements cannot be avoided, you might consider incorporating Massage into your lifestyle. Chinese herbal medicine

can also help.


What is the Causes of Tinnitus in Chinese Medicine?

Tinnitus is a ringing condition in the inner ear, the ringing frequency can be dissimilar, it can be of high or low pitch, heavy or fine pitch. Some people relate tinnitus to insect sounds or loud airplanes. Many people of varying ages are diagnosed with tinnitus, many of whom are left untreated. The ringing condition comes and goes without notice, especially during the quietest time the ringing becomes more obvious, this can greatly impede one’s life-style, for example, affecting listening ability and sleep, resulting in restlessness whilst sitting up or lying down.

Tinnitus due to Kidney disorder
The kidneys are considered to be one of the vital organs causing tinnitus. In Chinese medicine the kidneys and ears have a close internal relationship because “the Kidneys open up to the ears”. The Kidneys are responsible for promoting Qi and Blood to the ears, and maintaining normal physiological functioning. When your Kidneys are disordered such as kidney yin weakness the ears are unable to receive adequate Blood and Qi from the Kidneys, resulting in tinnitus.

The characteristics of tinnitus caused by kidney disorder
The ringing sound can be as fine as insect sounds, if you use your hands to cover the ears, the ringing sound will be diminished or disappear. At the same time, you may have the following symptoms such as; lethargy, dizziness, waist/hip pain, knee pain, impotence, lowered libido, frequent urination (especially at night-time), thirsty at night-time, wake up early.

Suggestions for tinnitus due to Kidney disorder
Usually with this type of tinnitus we tonify the kidneys to help improve the circulation to the ear.

You should eat certain foods which work by tonifying the kidneys. Foods such as; black sesame seeds, goji berries, prawns, beef or beef soup, black kidney beans, soya beans.

Looking after your lower back
As the kidneys are located in the lower back, you should keep the lower back in a good condition to ensure that the area is warm and rich in circulation. If you have lower back pain it is important to resolve this issue while you are undergoing treatment for tinnitus.

Avoid overdoing sexual intercourse
Chinese medicine believes that having too much intercourse will damage kidney essence. If the kidney essence becomes weak it may cause tinnitus.


How We Help You With Your Impotence?

Chinese medicine considers that the strength or weakness of men’s sexual function is associated with the energy of certain internal organs. We always check where the imbalance of organs is occurring. Impotence (erectile dysfunction) is not only a personal health issue, it can also affect confidence, relationships and family. So, what are the causes of impotence?

Kidney Weakness
The Kidneys are one of the major organs to dominate the body’s sexual function, development and reproduction. If the Kidney function, balance or energy is good then the body’s sexual function will be strong. If you have Kidney weakness syndrome you should have the following symptoms as well: lower libido, lack of energy, weakness or pain in the lower back, light sleeping or waking very early, frequent urination during the night, puffy or heavy body.

Liver Disorder & Stress
More and more often men’s sexual function disorders are strongly associated with our fast-paced society, work and social demands which become increasingly stressful. This state of stress restricts the flow of the Liver channel which travels through the pubic area and reproductive organs. When the Liver is affected by stress and the Liver channel is unable to flow smoothly through these areas, sexual dysfunction and disorders of the reproductive organs can become an issue. The stress can also come from other areas of life, including relationships and family.

If you have a Liver disorder, you will also have the following symptoms: depression, emotional or irritable, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, frequent dreams, abdominal bloating, sluggish bowel movement, headache, migraines or stiff neck. Some of these cases can combine with the following diseases: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, blood test shows abnormal Liver function.

How Does Chinese Medicine Help Impotence
1) First of all we need to help you find out your individual cause of impotence. We always check you by our traditional diagnosis method, such as tongue, signs and symptoms, etc.

2) Following your cause, we will choose a suitable treatment principle for you. The treatment may be acupuncture, Chinese medicine. During the treatment we will not only help your sexual function, we will also balance your whole body and improve your symptoms like those we mentioned above.