Many people suffer from stomach and abdominal bloating. Most cases of stomach bloating are not related to overeating and also there are no positive results after western medicine tests are done.

Many people find that their weight gain typically starts from the abdominal area. Therefore, it is very important to find out the cause of the bloating because it will also help in balancing the whole body. So, What are the causes of abdominal bloating in Chinese medicine?
Spleen Weakness
Chinese medicine physiology says that the Spleen dominates the abdominal area, and transforms and transports (metabolises) food and fluids to every part of the digestive system. If the Spleen is weak, it won’t do this job regularly and the food and fluids will be stuck in the digestive system longer than necessary. When this happens, the abdominal area acts like an over-full “rubbish bin” and bloating occurs.
With this imbalance, the body also can show the following symptoms: fatigue, sluggish bowel movements, decreased appetite, more bloating after eating, pale complexion, puffy arms and legs, and puffiness around the eyes or face especially in the morning.
Suggestions for Spleen Weakness
Diet: avoid eating cold foods and drinks, avoid drinking large amounts of water at once, avoid over eating or eating greasy fatty foods. Suitable foods to eat are onion, ginger, spring onion, chestnut, mandarins, apple, mango, lamb, chicken, beef, sometimes mild chilli and pepper.
Lifestyle: avoid cold and damp environments, increase your exposure to sunshine (30 minutes per day), use orange or red colour decorations or clothes.