Many people who suffer from heart burn may have this as an issue on its own, or it can be a symptoms of another issue. No matter which one you suffer from, heartburn is associated with liver (gallbladder) disorders. Being able to treat the cause (liver and gallbladder), we will be able to treat the issue (heartburn).
How is heart burn associated with liver (gallbladder) disorder?

Chinese medicine also considers all the organs to have a strong relationship, if one organ has a disorder it will pass this onto another. From the five element theory, the liver (gallbladder) are the wood, the stomach (spleen) are the earth. If the wood becomes overheated it will transfer the heat to the earth causing stomach problems. From this theory we should see heartburn is in the stomach, but the cause is from disorder in the liver and gallbladder.
TCM suggestions on heart burn
Heart burn is strongly associated with your daily diet and lifestyle due to the cause which we mentioned above. You should pay attention to the following to give you great help for recovery.
1) Reduce pressure and slow down your lifestyle.
2) Avoid eating hot and spicy foods as this can add heat on top of your liver heat. Chili, garlic, ginger, onions, lamb, alcohol, avoid eating acidic foods.
3) Having a regular diet, try not to eat too much at once so you are full and also don’t let your stomach to be empty. You should try eating small regular meals so the acid does not affect your stomach lining.
4) Eat more foods that have cooling characteristics for the liver (gallbladder); celery, carrots, mung beans, green tea, peppermint tea, watermelon, eggplant.
5) Do regular relaxing exercise such as walking, light jogging, swimming, Tai chi, yoga or meditation. You can also listen to soft music regularly.